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Everybody makes so much noise... Talking and stomping, running and shouting. No wonder they don't notice me.

Dandere photo.jpeg

Template:PC Summary Awakening

Alchemy symbol (for Mage).jpg

Born: 1995
Age: 20
Rank: None
Titles/Memberships: None
Various nicknames and aliases: Dandere, Baby's Breath (courtesy of Daisy-Rain), and others he's not going to tell anyone about.
Physical description: Mixed blood asian/caucasian, long black hair (usually tied back), brown eyes. Tall and thin.
Nimbus: His body flickers at the edges like a mirage, and sound is muted to a whisper.

Quick facts

If you ask about anyone, they'll tell you Dandere is quiet. Painfully so. Always has been. He wishes it was different. There's something about him which just fades into the background. On the bright side, he's starting to learn to make use of this ...talent.

He'll always answer when prompted though. Even if he doesn't really react, or respond in with any degree of certainty. He's much better on the forums, where he has all the time he needs to think of an answer.

Known in the Sleeper world

Yes, but not well. Dandere's tendency to fade into the background is even worse the larger the group gets.


  • 1995: Born
  • 1997: Adopted
  • February 2013: Began ANU
  • January 2015: Awakened
  • July 2015: Discovered by Tinker.
  • August 2015: Joined Free Council

Quotes by

"... ..."
- Dandere, constantly.
"...So... I didn't come back to get this? ...Well, crap."
- The first line on a note that Dandere passed to Vyra before a potentially suicidal mission.
"Thanks again Beckett, this is great."
(Happy whistle)
...Huh. I just realised. I'm gonna freak out when this wears off."
- Dandere and inhibition suppressing mind magic.

Quotes about

"If I know anything about anime, it's that with a name like that he'll break out of his shell and be lots of fun when there's something that interests him."
- Sash, on meeting him.

"No... Sweet child no..."
- Vyra Anala. Said under her breath after reading a note passed to her before a potentially suicidal mission.


"Umm, do you remember what happened in the Astral?" -Ember
"Yeah. You were nude. It was hot." -Dandere
"Paschal was there too..." -Ember
"That was... less hot." -Dandere
- Dandere, inhibitions suppressed.


  • Dandere doesn't actually know how to smile.
  • He's actually Yandere.
  • He's actually a ghost.

Inspirations and Soundtrack

  • His shadow name.
  • Noir (These Black Eyes)
  • Brennus (Webserial)
  • The sound of silence (Simon and Garfunkel)
  • Brave (Sara Bareilles)

OOC Info

I'm always happy to be contacted via Facebook/Mage forums, or even by phone if it needs an immediate response. On all feel free, I enjoy chatting.

Member Information
Player: [mailto: Joshua Smith]
Number: 2014020035
Domain: Canberra