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Template:PC Summary Awakening

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Born: 8 / 4 / 1992

Age: 23

Rank: None

Titles/Memberships: Premier of the Free Council (Highly debated)

Various nicknames and aliases: Daisy

Daisy tends to give the nicknames rather than get them. Everyone gets a nickname. EVERYONE. Somehow, she seems to remember people by their nicknames rather than by their shadow / real names. It gets confusing sometimes.

Physical description:

Daisy will always be adorned in flowers. Flower crown, flower dress, flowers is her thing. Daisy is a hippy and proudly identifies as one, so flowing clothes and ancient symbols are often seen on Daisy's person. Long flowing hair and flower crowns are what Daisy likes best, and she is never seen without her bag.

IF anyone got old of Daisy's bag, they would find lots of flowers, some rocks and a stuffed rabbit amongst other things. Lately she is unable to show her face in public so she has to change her appearance.

As she is joining a certain legacy, more changes are likely to follow however...


(include here)

Known in the Sleeper world

Daisy is a minor presence in the sleeper world. She is a barista in a coffee shop in civic, and lives in student housing near the ANU. She is known for her prowess in medicine and alternative medicine.

She lives in student housing in the ANU, in a very small apartment. However, she earns quite a bit of money, and tends to spend it on a rather eclectic series of things. Daisy is currently paying for the food and other needs of a horse-sized dog by the name of BBB currently being taken care of by Rose (Vapour)

Recent events

  • Became a mage
  • Met Freak - Started on a legacy
  • Became "premier", very debatedly, of the free council
  • Joined the tamers of rivers legacy
  • Went insane
  • Tried to trade her heart to the bannishers in exchange for Kalfu's heart
  • Got tainted instead, went insane
  • Killed Beckett Shore
  • Tried to kill Dandere
  • Killed by Tectus at the behest of the counselors of Canberra


If you are reading this, then I am dead.

And it would be at the hands of the Consillium of Canberra.

I have no doubts that it was deserving.

However, I still have my piece to say.

Magic is an abomination. It is inherently against the laws of reality that we are able to pull things from other places and impose them on this world. The universe rejects what we do, and we suffer for it.

I was once an innocent. I came into this consillium as a pacifist and a nature lover, and I was twisted and warped by the people who were supposed to protect and teach me.

I Blame Beckett, and I blame Vyra.

Mages are humans drunk on power, mages would rather stroke their own ego than take care of people.

Mages shouldn’t live, and I have set myself on a path to remove them from this world.

Starting with Beckett.

Some are innocent, and I must save them. From all of you.






















I hope for your sake that you stop me.

I hope you all die.

The monster

Daisy Rain

Quotes by

  • You've like.... served the beachball of karma into the wrong court

Quotes about

"Daisy is a sweet young girl who just wants the best for people. She's against violence, which can be difficult when you're fighting a war on home turf, but with the right nudge, she has shown she is able to overcome even that obstacle and fight for what she believes in."

- Vyra Anala in one of her diary entries.

"She had a list, she'd checked it more than twice. She was like the santa clause of death."

- Vyra Anala about Daisy's death


Daisy: "Why'd you save me?"
Vyra: "Because you would have died otherwise. I know you're upset, but I had to."
Daisy: "But she's dead and I am alive now."
Vyra: "I could only save one of you, I had to make a choice."
Daisy: "So, why'd you save me?"
Vyra: "I don't know. But you can't blame yourself for her being dead and you being alive. This wasn't your fault"
Daisy: "I know it's not. It's your fault."

- Vyra trying to console a distraught (and surprisingly lucid) Daisy-Rain after Piper's death.


  • Has a split personality
  • Is constantly high
    • No she isn't, she just is that way
      • In fact the only time she makes sense is when she is under the influence
  • Owns a pony
  • Studies boxing and could actually kill you with a punch

Inspirations and Soundtrack

(O makunda, o makunde) If I could reach your heart, With those simple words (O makunda, o makunde)Maybe we could learn to trust (Sekouda ni yet matsune unde)See the best in us (Sekouda ni yet matsune)"

OOC Info

Member Information
Player: Elizabeth Hickey
Number: 2014100010
Domain: Canberra