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Feeling a bit down in the dumps as its been six months since Andromeda took over.

I must admit that the consilium seems to have take a huge step backwards since 'he' asked for the position, basically cause Andromeda never seems to be about and the group as a while seems to be lacking coordination and direction what with the Seers apparently showing up and no one seeming to do anything about it and accept the word of the hierarch and not questioning what is going on themselves. The problem I have with group think is that it lacks intelligence, is far too reactionary, and doesn't give anyone a 'fair-go', which is supposed to be the Australian way of thinking.

Since moving away from the position of Hierarch I have been feeling more and more hollow, that there is something missing in my life and that beng the company and continuity of others and logical discourse. Till now I must admit I've had an issue with inviting people to join the Free Council as I wouldn't want anyone to suffer the slings and arrows of the Diamond as I see them, even though they give lip service to the term 'the Pentacle'. The Silver Ladder and Adamantine Arrows have always been the bane of my existence as they're always so high and mighty and generally full of piss and wind. Andromeda is one such case like this, where he drops in like some kind of saving angel and then pisses off to god knows where and only returns to make loud noises so people will pay attention to him and keep him on the national consilium. Honestly if people stopped paying attention to him he may actually vanish in a puff of logic... Then there's poor Mephi, who seems to strut around with his chest thrust out claiming everything is the business of the Arrows and that as we seem to be perpetually at war that he should be in charge of things; honestly hes about as useful as a cat-flap in an elephant house. Lastly I feel sorry for Reaper the most because he is trying to do something but is latching upon a hierarchy that doesn't know if its coming or going. I just wish he would stop fixating about making bombs unless he's had too many go off in his ear and take control of the Arrows. So much potential going to waste...