Klaus Adler

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Lord Reeve Klaus Adler

Personal Information


  • Red Hair
  • Green Eyes
  • 6'1"
  • Purple Tie
  • Always up to date with current higher society trends


  • Prideful
  • Aloof
  • Superior bearing
  • Humorless
  • Efficient
  • Capable
  • Cunning
  • Socially adept
Likes and Dislikes


  • Loyalty
  • Efficiency
  • Ruthlessness
  • Adherence to systems
  • Attention to detail


  • Incompetence
  • Laziness
  • Insubordination
  • Youth


  • Target shooting
  • Game hunting
  • BDSM

Mortal World

  • Local upstart businessman with a reputable background
  • Ingratiated with the lower-middle ranks of the Brisbane Police Force
  • Law abiding citizen
  • Capable, if a little humorless
  • Sought after due to seeming influence, but little time for those that seek his ear

Information Known by Kindred Society


  • 1908 Born
  • 1944 Embraced
  • 1945 Fled to Argentina
  • 1951 Migrated to France
  • 1963 Migrated to Italy
  • 1969 Migrated to Germany
  • 1989 Migrated to England
  • 1999 Migrated to America
  • 2011 Migrated to Australia

Recent History


  • JAN Acknowledged in Brisbane by Alder Duchess Roxanne Eupraxus Lorainne, Prince of Brisbane, Councillor of Queensland, Grand Meister of the Sanguine Quill, Notary, Librettist
  • JAN Appointed Speaker of Brisbane
  • MAR Announced as Reeve of Brisbane. Gained City Status. Appointed KaeL as Deputy Sheriff.


Known Sire

Wilhelm Godfrey von Konigsberg

Known Siblings

  • Orpheus Lestrange - Never met
  • Timothy Harland - Never met
  • Kendrick Tyger - Never met
  • Grail - Never met
  • Nastusia Kreskaski - Never met

Known Childer

  • Nil

Known Grand-childer

  • Nil


Quotes By

  • "It is about time this clan was back in its rightful place." - Lord Klaus Adler to Dame Threadgold Ventrue Prisci of Brisbane
  • "And that is why you have me." - Lord Klaus Adler
  • "You want the job to build your own honour. I understand that and, though that is a worthy goal, I simply want to do what is best for the Court." - Lord Klaus Adler speaking the truth to KaeL
  • "Let's cut to the chase. How much is this going to cost?" - Lord Klaus Adler
  • "A... pleasure..." - Lord Reeve Klaus Adler upon meeting Lucky
  • "He thought he was worthy to hold the position of Sheriff? He hasn't even taken the time to get acquainted with you. How could he even think that he is doing right by the Court?" - Lord Reeve Klaus Adler to Alder Duchess Roxanne Eupraxus Lorainne, Prince of Brisbane, Councillor of Queensland, Grand Meister of the Sanguine Quill, Notary, Librettist
  • "One does not need to get their own hands dirty to be an effective manager. They simply have to bring out the best in those... below them." - Lord Reeve Klaus Adler

Quotes About

"Quote" - reference


"Quote" - reference


  • Lance Sire? The Seneshal From Toowoomba? Are you sure he's not an infiltrator?
  • Is really the unsanctioned childe hiding from his sire, why else would he be so tightly guarded by the PPP if not for leverage later?

Inspirations and Soundtrack

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Jason Whitford
Number: 2016010001
Domain: Brisbane