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Lady Jasmine
Seeming: Fairest
Kith: Archived-Flamesiren
Court: Summer Court ••
City: Brisbane
Title: The Red Bitch
Entitlement: None
Group: The Lost Boys
Player: Sara
Storyteller: Brisbane VST

Personal Information


Mask: Jasmine is in her twenties, she has bright eyes that are almost the colour of fire, but not quite. She has radiant skin that seems impeccably cared for. Jasmine occasionally wears a flower in her curly brown hair, and has a red and gold crown, a gift from her wife for their anniversary, which is often paired with matching earrings. Jasmine wears a wedding ring on her finger that matches the one her wife wears.

Mien: The flames lick along Jasmines skin which appears to be made of molten gold, her eyes burn brighter than before, taking on even more of a fiery appearance. Her hair itself is made of flame, and a crown rests upon her head. She smells faintly of burning fabric, perfume and flowers.


Jasmine is coldly polite to those she doesn't know well, and kind to those who've earned her favour. However, she is unforgivably cruel to those who have earned her ire.
Jasmine is often quiet, but when she wants to speak and be heard, she ensures that it happens. She often remains silent as a way of avoiding fools and when someone brings up her recent marriage to Molly they're often greeted with a wry smile or a comment about her affection. Jasmine is protective of her wife and dislikes suggestions that there is something wrong with her marriage.

Mortal World

Still searching.

Information Known by Lost Society


This information is not known IC unless otherwise stated
Jasmine was a Princess in a castle. Every day her Prince Charming would come, she loved him, and he would save her. But every single day he died. Every single day her heart was ripped from her chest, metaphorically or sometimes literally depending on her keepers temper. When she tried to fight back, she two would be beaten, burned and broken within an inch of her life.


Her eternal nightmare repeated every day, until the one day it didn't. On this day Jasmine, and her adored Prince managed to beat back and escape The Dragon. They ran all day, and rested by night. One night he disappeared, and Jasmine tried to find him. She eventually did, he had been caught, and then she watched him be killed again. Furious at the loss of him yet again, Jasmine fought until she was dragged away by other Changelings. Fearful they were taking her back to her keeper, she fought viciously, but was overpowered by numbers. She later learned these other Changelings intended to help her escape. Together the five of them did so. When they escaped, all five went their separate ways, and she has not spoken to them since the escape.

Recent History


  • OCT - Brought up to Brisbane by her fiancee, Molly
  • NOV - Got married in Brisbane.
  • DEC - Went on a honeymoon, possibly with Molly. Possibly alone.


  • JUL - She's not really doing much. Surely. She certainly isn't going to the Freehold.
  • AUG - Didn't go to the Freehold, but did have words with her wife about punching Authell for trying to destroy their marriage.
  • OCT - Went to the Conclave. Managed to get ahold of the box containing Jax's mask. Eventually gave in to her desire to wear it. She accidentally burnt her wife, and there was some interesting discussion about her particular behaviour while eating cookies and cream ice cream. She was upset when her wife brought her a misguided present.
  • NOV - Celebrated her wedding anniversary with her wife and the Freehold at their home, ended the day with her wife in bed and her inviting guests to leave to allow her wife time to rest.
  • DEC - Did not attend the Freehold.


  • JAN - Was not present at the gathering. But spent some time with her wife and family outside of it.
  • FEB - Not present. Her daughter went missing.
  • MAR - Not present.
  • APR - Not present. Plans to move soon, to escape the terror.


None. Jasmine rarely even bothers to arrive to the Freehold, allowing her wife to go instead and staying home to do whatever it is she does at home.


Quotes By

"I want to keep you like I want to keep our oath. Nothing but death can ever part us, my beloved."
- To her wife.
"Your concern is touching, but I find it hard to believe. I hardly visit your freehold. My once friends become loyalists and those who don't die seem to disappear. My wife nearly dies to one loyalist and more than once I have had to deal with someone attempting to tear apart my marriage. So forgive me if I am not trusting of you walking in here claiming to care and accusing me of being unhappy with my wife."
- To Authell.
"Good my beloved. Now, about this Authell..."
- Trying to keep Molly alive.

Quotes About

"She makes the same sound she makes when she eats Cookies and Cream ice cream."
- Molly


Jasmine: "Why do you keep doing this? It hurts me more than it hurts you."
Molly: "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. Do you still want to marry me?"
Jasmine: "Of course I do. Why do you say that?"
Molly: "Sometimes I feel like you don't love me."
Jasmine: "Oh Molly, you're being silly. I love you as much as I possibly can."

- A conversation between Molly and Jasmine on the day of their marriage.


  • She beats her wife.
    • It's because her wife emotionally blackmails her.
      • It's just a weird sex thing.
  • Loves her cat more than her wife or daughter.
  • She once had a heart but it was taken from her.
    • I hear Authell's doing something about that.
      • But now he won't go near her. Why's that I wonder?

Inspirations and Soundtrack

Her Marriage to Molly


  • "I will take you to museums, parks, and monuments. I will kiss you in every beautiful place, so that you can never go back to them without tasting me like blood in your mouth. I will destroy you in the most beautiful way possible. And when I leave, you will finally understand why storms are named after people."
- Unknown
  • "I have seen the look on your face when I've hurt you so badly that you're whole body is crying, you're bleeding, you can't move, and your heart is aching so badly you can't take a breath or say a word. Know that when I see you like that, so vulnerable, so broken, and so very much my own, that is when I love you most."
- Unknown
  • "She says she makes the worst mistakes with me, that I am a monster for making her stay, and that she can't give me all that I want because most of the time, I'm nothing that she's longed her. I don't know if it's harder convincing her I love her, or for me to accept that I must be strong enough to make this last, as every bone in my body screams that I am. It kills me that she means every word she says."
- Unknown

Other Inspirations

  • A Softer World Everyone looks at us like we're the cutest couple. Let's do something wrong. Let's turn those smiles upside down.
  • A Softer World When people say our love won't last forever it sounds like they think anything will. I just smile and say 'compared to what?'
  • A Softer World I would throw myself down a flight of stairs if you would only love me. Well, also if you won't. I would do anything for love or not love.
  • A Softer World Sometimes two people can love each other, even though one is a wrist and the other a razor. Open Sesame.
  • A Softer World When you get that look nobody is safe. It's why I first fell in love with you. Burning cities melt hearts.
  • A Softer World I would kill for you. But then again, I like killing. I would die for you. But then again, I like dying.

Everyone Else

  • Emilie Autumn - Time For Tea Authell One day that little girl, might find a filthy metal spike, and drive it right in the middle of your forehead, for she and her friends, this is very, very good, but for you the game is over, this is revolution. I am that little girl, I have that little curl, right in the middle of my forehead, and when I am good, I am very, very good, but when I am bad, I am fucking gorgeous.

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Sara
Number: 2014040010
Domain: Brisbane