Ruby Rose

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Born: December 1 1997

Age: 18

Rank: Disciple of Forces


Various nicknames and aliases: Red, Killjoy

Physical description:

Nimbus: Ruby’s Nimbus gives a silver like aura emitting from her body and from her eyes also she appears as if rose petals are falling off from her clothing.


Awakened: IC: “Let’s just say it was one hell of a rollercoaster, I awaken after the biggest episode of my life happen to me. It was early 2016, I was in an alley way doing my magic (graffiti art) as I was drawing out the sketch I want to do for the wall, the design I was drawing was hitting me to close to home. Then, the repressed memories started caving in, all of my doubts, insecurities, self-hate and her uncle. Of all the people I had emotions for, why did it have to be him? My heart hurt from all of my shame, I knew I did some shit things in my life but the thought of him seeing me now. The pain I was feeling, made me missed him so much. I wish I had him in my life again.”

“Then, a vision of a searing light came to me. This was the beginning of the end, well that’s what I thought.”

Initial Master:

Recent events


JUN- I finally found him...with a gun to his motherfucking head, the best way to found your uncle in any situation. Totally recommend it. And I found out there is such this as werewolves, abyssal spirits and other crazy crap. I'm going down the mage rabbit hole.


Quotes by

"You better not do that crazy shit to me..." Ruby whispers to Qrow, while Mephi was losing his shit

Quotes about



Inspirations and Soundtrack

