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Seeming: Darkling
Kith: Archived-Shadowsoul
Court: Night Court •••••
City: Canberra
Title: Vizier of Night
Entitlement: N/A
Player: Alex R
Storyteller: Canberra VST

NB: Character is still pending the resolution of apps for kith, court, mantle and age.

Personal Information

Aenarion, sometimes nicknamed "the Night King", is a high society British-Australian dark elf and long-time member of the Night Court.


Apparent Age: 29

Mask: Thin, pale, grey eyes, severe features.
Mien: A white-haired pale elf with black scleras and white irises.


Aenarion is well-mannered, well-dressed and well-spoken. He stands for freedom of expression - viewing chaos, immorality and depravity as equally beautiful to art, style and poise.


  • Culture
  • Art
  • Sculpture
  • Fine dining
  • Murder
  • Sharing and charity
  • High fashion
  • Market produce


  • Shaming others
  • Loyalists


  • Maybe don't think about it?

Mortal World

Aenarion is something between a style consultant and a high society dilettante. He lives off his reputation for good taste and his ability to organise beautiful dinner parties.

Information Known by Lost Society

Aenarion has a reputation as a loyalist hunter, mostly from what he leaves behind. Many artistically arranged corpses in various locations in the Hedge are attributed to his passing through.


  • 1986: Escaped Arcadia
  • Has wandered all over Australia following the flows of mortal high society
  • 2016: Moved to Canberra for "family reasons" and to help establish the freehold of Canberra


Aenarion was a seneschal to the Ashen Prince, organising his evening court and attending to his personal requests.




Quotes By

Whoever, and why.

Quotes About

Whoever, and why.


"Another quote."
Whoever and whoever, doing something.


  • He hunts loyalists for sport
    • He actually hunts them for art materials
  • He may have been a surgeon before he was taken

Inspirations and Soundtrack

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Alex R
Number: 2013050006
Domain: Canberra