Seraphina Flameguard

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Tombstone.png This article is about a character that is deceased or otherwise no longer in play.

Seraphina Flameguard
Seeming: Elemental
Kith: Archived-Fireheart
Court: Summer Court ••
City: Armidale
Title: Captain (though she prefers not to use it)
Entitlement: None
Group: (Name to come)
Player: Kat Atkins
Storyteller: Armidale VST

Personal Information


Of average height and weight she has well defined muscles and a pleasant smile. She wears T-shirts usually in red, jeans and boots.

Mask: Her hair is dyed the brightest most eye burning shade of red imaginable this does not fit well with her pale skin making her appear almost white. Her eyes are strange one is ocean blue the other is a golden brown deep shadows surround her eyes most notably on the left side. A patch of darker skin like a birth mark covers the right side of her face. If you see her back naked you will notice a small dragon shaped piece of jewellery. It is surrounded by scars and appears to be mounted to her skin.

Mien: Her hair is brilliant red and moves like living flame when at rest it reaches to a point between her shoulders. Her skin is not only pale but the other layer is made of a thin ash which will rub off on the hands of others and can be temporarily removed with water, the moment she dries it reasserts itself. Her left eye is like a pit of fire surrounded by dark shadows, her right eye is electric blue. The skin around her right eye is normal pink in tone it stretches like a scar from her ear to the bridge of her nose, up to her eyebrow and down to her cheek. A small metal dragon sleeps on her spine its fore claws buried deep in her flesh. It produces heat that has scared the skin immediately around it.

Mantle: The air around her body is on average 5 degrees warmer then the surrounding environment. When in a hot environment (Say brisbane in summer) the area around her shimmers in a heat haze.


She is a warrior first and fore most she doesn't remember every being anything thing else. This makes her hard she does not believe in giving people sympathy just because they are struggling you make your own luck in this world, it is survival of the fittest if you cant adapt to protect yourself then maybe you are not the right person for what needs to be done.

That being said she is very loyal to her motley and to any who saves her life and will lay herself on the line for those few people. She has a soft spot for children they remind her of something something long ago and half forgotten, she will fight to the death if a child is in danger.

Mortal World

the mortal world knows very little about her she has travelled around to much for there to really be an accurate record of her. Most who see her think her a little weird but beyond that ignore her.

Information Known by Lost Society

She is a skilled fighter who will not take pay for her work she will fight only if she sees the cause as just.


  • 1974 – Was born as the only child of Irish and English migrants
  • 1980 – Met and befriended her future Husband
  • 1992 – Started a University Course
  • 1996 – Graduated from her course and began searching for work
  • 1997 – Married her husband and latter that year fell pregnant
  • 1998 – Became a mother
  • 1999 – The night of fire, was taken to Arcadia in order to save her daughter
---------------------------------------------------------DOES NOT EXPLICITLY REMEMBER ANYTHING ABOVE THIS--------------------------------------------------
  • 2013 – Escapes Arcadia with her Motley band of friends through the mountains around Tasmania
  • 2013 to 2015 - Travels around with her motley mostly up and down the east coast of australia


She began her servitude as the shield bearer to a changeling who had lost themselves to the magic of Arcadia. He was the Vassal of the Dragon Lord in this time she began to resemble a Beast kith Broadback. The Dragon Lord gives his vessel the metal dragon armour which attaches to her on his death. Not knowing where else to go she returns to her masters lord on his death. The Lord is angry and places her as a guard on the north wall of his castle, a wall made of larva, he expects her to die, she does not, instead she adapts.

There is a great attack on the wall one night Sera fights back the first wave raising the alarm and earning herself the lords favour. He promotes her to guard captain. Eventually she is forced from the wall to fight in open combat. Killing a Waterborn, her face and eyes are bathed in her victims hearts blood opening her eyes once more to the wrong she is doing. She tries to take her own life but is saved [Copernicus Badger] who berates her for trying to make him dig a hole for her then begins explaining the reasons she has to live.

She becomes a traitor to her lord helping others escape his service by leaving gates unlocked or convincing her loyal soldiers to ignore the lights of the fleeing few.


She and her Motley escaped together on the day of a great tournament. She distracted the lord playing his champion as the others organised. When time came to run she was delivered a poorly made replica to stand in her stead taking her mount she fled to join the others, but they had only just opened the portal when the lord realised the treachery and began to send his minions after them. Though the other guards who held the north wall with her did a purposefully poor job they still needed to fight there way through many battles.

Some of the other escapees where lost in the hedge when they panicked and ran or fell to the swords of their adversaries.

Recent History


  • APR - Arrives in Armidale, after meeting the residents of armidale everything begins to fall appart on a hunt for the "Wild Hunt" they captured a group of changling loyalists. determined to get some infromation they sit them down Sera ends up chopping of one of their thumbs and opening another for soulder to hip. She feels very guilty about her actions but was goaded into it an unable to resist she returns to the hollow and hunkers down in her room.
  • May to July - works protecting her motley and those she has met in armidale putting herself in danger for the good of the group. she avoids most contact with prisioners aproaching them only with copurnicus's assistance.
  • August- ((I dont actually remember))


The motley consists of four members each where the prisioner of the Dragon Lord in Arcadia. Upon escape they banded together forming the bonds as an attempt to ward off the keeper that still chased them. The motley goes by many names "The Well Seasoned Motley", "The Travelling Freehold" or "The Four Seasons". Sera doesn't really care what they call themselves so long as they can stick together and protect one another.

Members [Patches] - The former Jester and monarch of Autumn [Copernicus Badger] - Former Grounds keeper in the lords castle and Monarch of Winter [The Master of Cerimonies] - Former Master of ceremonies and Monarch of Spring [Seraphina Flameguard] - Former knight captin of the Dragon Lords armies and Monarch of Summer


Quotes By

  • “There is no honour in being a martyr! Leave that to the children who still believe the fairy tale that there is a god who cares” - In response to one of the new guard (in arcadia) trying to risk his life.

Quotes About

  • “This is my champion she will not fall to the likes of you” - her Keeper before the final battle.



  • Her anger is hotter then the fire she produces. One day it will consume her and probably all those she calls friend.

Inspirations and Soundtrack

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Kat
Number: 2013090005
Domain: Armidale