Saskia Winters

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Personal Information


Saskia is white, tall and skinny, about 6'1” with half-lidded olive green eyes and a shapely face with a clear complexion, made less remarkable with an expression of permanent disinterest. Her right nostril is pierced with a silver sleeper ring, her lower lip with a metal stud. A mop of silvery dreadlocks falls down to her below average bust, clasped and tied in various places with string and silver rings, but her roots and eyebrows betray her as a natural brunette. A solid ink-lined tattoo of the moon, half blacked out, marks the back of her neck.

In classic Grunge style, Saskia is always wearing an oversized red flannel shirt over a loosely fitting t-shirt; her favourite is the one with the three wolves howling at the moon (for the irony of course). Ragged denim short-shorts expose her long legs from her upper thigh to the weathered black and white Adidas high-tops at her ankle. A plastic lace choker sits closely around her throat, and the only makeup she wears is mascara and dark winged eyeliner.

Her two German Shepherds, Noah and Moses, rarely if ever leave her side. She prefers not to spend time anywhere they can't accompany her.


Saskia is detached and flighty. She speaks boredly and sarcastically to and of the people and things around her with little life in her voice, and rarely shows emotion at all. It takes persistence and patience to get past her deflective and closed-off demeanor, but those who do will find her impulsive, stubborn, good-humored and a deathly loyal companion.

Mortal World

Information Known by Kindred Society


  • 2015 -

Recent History


  • MAY -





Quotes By

"Quote" - reference

Quotes About



Inspirations and Soundtrack

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Alison Young
Number: 2014020034
Domain: Southern Cross