Archived-Bjarngrímr Valdyr

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Template:PC Summary Requiem


"The Wind Blows, But The Mountain Does Not Bow"

Information Known by Kindred Society

Bjarngrímr isn’t a very old kindred, in fact he was only embraced within the last year by his great great great and a bit Grandmother or thereabouts, he isn’t quite sure. Since his embrace, he’s been circulating most of Australia performing with his band so he never seems to be in one place at any one time.


In fact not much is known about him before he came to Australia. Anyone who asks will find out he played in a metal band and that was part of the reason he was over here in the first place. On Tour, one thing led to another and he was embraced and set free from his mortal coils. He still gigs though his band left him behind at his behest. His voice and guitar skills are pretty damn awesome and more than once he’s charmed the pants of a local or two, or three.

He’s eh not that bad to look at either if the rumours are true. There’s certainly a hint of the supernatural to his looks, but gosh he’s pretty in that rugged gangrel way. Long hair, beard, deep staring eyes. It’s no wonder he garnered a bit of a rep as a lady killer.These looks do seem odd given he stands at about 7ft and is built like a brick shit house. Being Norwegian his accent is thick and strong but he does speak English.

OOC History

Born in 1988 in Bergen, Norway. Bjarngrímr’s true name is one Eric Lange, a name he still goes by in the mortal world as he tours, is in the limelight as both a MMA fighter and musician. He was always a good lad but often found himself in more than a few scraps in his younger years.

An overly protective person he often used his size to get what he wanted and more often than not this led to trouble he was able to charm himself out of. He wouldn’t go out of his way to harm people unless they tried to harm him or his sister. In fact the last time he really got into trouble was when he curb stomped some blokes face into the pavement for hurting his little sis.

In his late teens he turned his attention to music and picked up the skills really quickly to play guitar and his voice was something else. Forming his first band took really no time at all and by his early twenties they had already released a few albums, toured a bit of europe and even had a small stint in North America. Eric completed college and obtained his qualifications in Music and performing arts and began university to do the same, however the opportunity arose for him to tour Australia and it wasn’t something that he could afford to pass up.

The tour started ok, but then when they arrived in Brisbane his girlfriend, the drummer, and him got into a bit of a fight due to the drink and she wandered off. He went after her and came across a scene of some pipsqueak of a woman attacking her. He strode in and knocked the attacker flat, scooped up his missus and fled the scene.

Eric was dumped a few days later, after all, if he hadn’t decided to go to Australia then his lady wouldn’t have been hurt. Which of course made no sense so instead of dwelling he went out on the piss and ran into the woman again as he walked home drunk.

The brawl that followed was short and sweet, both ended up on their backs more often that not but she began to gain the upper advantage as the booze and stress of the day began to take over. In a moments respite he doubled over for breathe and then she struck, pinned him and bit.

What happened next could only be described as a rebirth. He chucked his band to stay in Australia with Beregaria, his sire. He began his new journey into the dark and once he was a bit more able started going out looking for his own path. He was traveling the South when he heard that his sire was to be visiting Adelaide. Not having seen her in a few months and missing the bond they shared he headed off towards the city, but first he was to make a quick pit stop in Roxby Downs.




Quotes By

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Inspirations and Soundtrack

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Opie Doig
Number: AU2015030013
Domain: Southern Cross