Jocasta Flamel

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Personal Information


Jocasta appears to be of average height and build, although it's hard to tell, given she's rarely seen without at least a lab coat and safety gloves. The only clue to her ethnic identity is the slightly angular face of someone with eastern European heritage, although that could just be lucky genes.


Most people describe Jocasta as 'intense', usually with some sort of expletive in front. Her focus is unnerving, no matter what she's talking about, pointing to, or looking at. She tends to speak a little faster than is strictly necessary, and it feels as if every statement ends with an exclamation mark. This combines strangely with a brutal, savage aura, that leaves the unshakeable impression that she's one exclamation mark away from murdering people.

Mortal World

Information Known by Kindred Society


  • 1923 - Embraced near what would be Canberra
  • 2003 - Dropped out of communication.
  • 2015 - Awoke, spent time catching up on the last decade or so
  • 2017 - Returned to Canberra court

Recent History


Known Sire


Known Siblings

Known Childer

None at this time (please contact if interested)


Quotes By

"MAD, not evil!"

- When someone suggests that she experiments in a way that crosses her moral threshold.

Someone once told me 'If you meet Dracula on the road, kill him', and I think about that a lot.

- On the forums, when discussing images of Dracula

Quotes About

"Yo, Casta!"

- Lucky

You know... some people are just happy to jump over a shark... O.o

- Ady, on the forums, in response to Jocasta's thoughts on volcanoes


"What are you doing!?"
"I'm experimenting."
"... What's the - premise, the hypothesis, the -!"
"I'm attempting to determine the precise leisurely pursuits that will entice a Dragon away from their work."
"Your premise is compelling, but -"
"Would you like to see my methodology?"
"That would depend on how extensive it was!"
"I assure you, Dr. Flamel, that I'm very, very thorough with my experimentation."

- Lucky and Jocasta.

"You'll be able to find me pretty soon, Priscus Bone! I would say 'just look for the explosions', but that's glib and untrue."
"Not yet, anyway. From what I've heard there ain't no promises there."

- Jocasta and Bone respectively.


  • She's Melieke's favourite.
  • Nyx punched her in the face when they first met.
    • But Jocasta said she deserved it, so I guess it was ok?
      • That's just how Nyx says hi to Jocasta anyway.
  • She's invented a way to cure the kindred condition, but it resulted in something worse, so she's never going to admit it to anyone.
  • not adverse to teaching certain members of other disciplines about the cleansing nature of explosives for personal hygiene

Inspirations and Soundtrack

  • Most Mad Scientist tropes ever
  • Mythbusters
  • Jillian Holzmann, Ghostbusters
  • Mordin Solus, the Mass Effect Trilogy
  • Bill Nye, the Science Guy
  • Edna Mode, The Incredibles
  • Ms Frizzle, The Magic School Bus
  • 'Skullcrusher Mountain' by Jonathan Coulton

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Katie Harwood
Number: 2003100552
Domain: Canberra