Canberra Concilium Council Act

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Explanatory Memorandum: This rule sets out how to call a Council meeting, whom can attend, and the difference between an Emergency and Official Council meeting. Removal the ‘Right of Informed Decision’ Law as it is contained in the Concilium council Act

1.1 Council Positions and Definitions:

1.1.1 The Council: The council is defined as the Councillors and Hierarch of the city
1.1.2 Definition of Hierarch: Please refer to the Canberra Concilium Duties Act
1.1.3 Definition of Councillor: Please refer to Canberra Concilium Duties Act
1.1.4 Definition of Provost: Please refer to Canberra Concilium Duties Act

1.2 Official Council Meetings

1.2.1: A council meeting can be called by any member of the council by issuing the call via public forums of the Concilium of Canberra. The call must include a date of the meeting no less than 14 days in the future from the call, but no more than 31 days.
1.2.2: In order for a Council meeting to be considered to have met Quorum, there must be at least 4 Councillors (or their Provost).
1.2.3: The caller of the council meeting must issue an Agenda 3 days before the meeting, and attendees must provide all submissions no later than 4 days prior to the meeting.
1.2.4 Any submissions to change Silver law of the city must be submitted to the council in writing 7 days before the meeting, with a complete draft of the legislation.
1.2.5 Any member of the council whom does not attend two meetings within 6 months, is automatically considered retired from the council.
1.2.6 The following Concilium positions are allowed to attend meetings but do not have a voice, Sentinel, Pax Signifer and Herald, in addition to the Councillors (Or their Provost) and the Hierarch.
1.2.7 Right of Informed Decision: A member of the Consillium in good standing may attend a council meeting when items they have proposals are being discussed. Once all their items have been discussed they will leave the council meeting. This requires notice to be provided to the Hierarch no less than 7 days prior to the meeting, and the Hierarch must reject the attendance prior to the meeting’s agenda being announced. Reasons for rejection must be provided.
1.2.8 If there is a tie on a council vote the Hierarch must call a recount, and their vote is not counted during the recount.
1.2.9 Council meetings will be held in the Council room of the Silver Tower.
1.2.10 It’s the duty of the Herald to take notes during council meetings, and provide with information on canals and making sure that any who missed the meeting is informed.
1.2.11 The Hierarch can declare a council meeting to be public, in which case any members of the Concilium can attend. Such a declaration must be made 4 days before the meeting.

1.3 Emergency Council Meetings

1.3.1 Any Member of the Council may call an emergency meeting of the council by attempting to contact all councillors and informing them that one will be called.
1.3.2 In order for an emergency council meeting to be held there must be at least 3 councillors in order to reach Quorum.
1.3.3 Decisions made by an Emergency Council Meeting only last for 14 days and then need to be ratified by in an Official Council Meeting.
1.3.4 If there is a tie on a council vote the Hierarch must call a recount, and their vote is not counted during the recount.