Canberra Concilium Duties Act

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(Ammended November 2016 to be brought in line with the Council Act)

1. The Position of Hierarch is defined as the following:

a) The Hierarch is selected with a Majority vote of the Concilium Councillors, a minimum of 80% of the council or their representatives must be present at the vote.
b) In order to be eligible to be Hierarch the member of the Concilium must have been a member of the Concilium in good standing for a period for at least 3 months
c) The Hierarch has the right of tie-breaking should the Ruling Council fail to arrive at a decision on a matter it has put to a vote.
d) Any Councillor may call for a vote of no-confidence in the leadership of the Hierarch. If such a vote is called, then the Hierarch is obliged to hold an open meeting of the Concilium to discuss the matter followed by a vote. If the vote achieves at least a two-thirds majority then the Hierarch is obliged to resign from office. As an adjunct to this, it is recognized that preventing the formation of power vacuums that may destabilize the political structure of the Concilium is necessary. As such, any vote of no-confidence must be accompanied by a nomination for an alternative candidate for Hierarch who will take power if the vote is successful.
e) A Hierarch that is unable to attend 3 Council Meetings within a period of 6 months is dismissed from the position.
f) The Ruling Council authorises the Hierarch to hold a cache of items in trust on behalf of the Concilium. This Hierarch's Panopoly is to pass from Hierarch to Hierarch, being owned by no individual but rather belonging to the position itself.
g) The Hierarch or Acting Hierarch can hold no other position than Hierarch as this is a heavy duty and those holding it should not be distracted by other duties.

2. The Position of Sentinel is defined as the following:

a) The Sentinel is selected with a Majority vote of the Concilium Councillors, a minimum of 80% of the council or their representatives must be present at the vote.
b) In order to be eligible to be Sentinel the member of the Concilium must have been a member of the Concilium in good standing for a period for at least 3 months
c) It is the Sentinel’s duty to be informed and be ready for possible threats to the Concilium and its members. Be they of the Void, the Mad, and the Liars.
d) It is the Sentinel’s duty to be ready for threats from within as well.
e) The Sentinels may be called upon by the Consulate to execute the will of the Concilium.
f) A Temporary Sentinels can be chosen by the Hierarch, but their position is only ongoing while the same nominated is Hierarch
g) Sentinels are able to deputize magi temporarily without the need of formal permission from the Hierarch or Consulate.
i. This deputisation lasts for the extent of the problem, or 72 hours, whichever comes first.
ii. Deputies may be created again (reactivated) if the problem is not solved at the end of 72 hours, but the Hierarch and Council must be notified at this time and approved by the Hierarch for the continuation of the deputization for the remainder of the problem.
iii. Deputies, while active, act at the authority of the Sentinel which deputized them. As such, any action taken by the deputy during this time is also an action of the Sentinel which deputized them.
iv. Deputy must willingly accept the position

3. The Position of Pax Signifer is defined as the following:

a) The Pax Signifer is selected with a Majority vote of the Concilium Councillors, a minimum of 80% of the council or their representatives must be present at the vote.
b) In order to be eligible to be Pax Signifer the member of the Concilium must have been a member of the Concilium in good standing for a period for at least 3 months
c) The Pax Signifer may name a member of the Concilium as not being in good standing (Bad Standing) if they deem the individual has acting out against Pax Signifers role of maintaining and ensuring the peace at Concilium gatherings. Bad Standing expires 31 days after the announcement unless ratified by a majority of the Concilium Council.
d) The Pax Signifer may deem someone has sinned against the peace of the Concilium, and provide an appropriate Kyu (excluding death). These Judgements can be overturned by a Majority Council Concilium if requested within 31 days of the decision. Any Kyu does not begin till after the 31 day appeal time has passed.
e) Pax Signifer are able to deputize magi temporarily without the need of formal permission from the Hierarch or Consulate.
i. This deputization lasts for the extent of the problem, or 72 hours, whichever comes first.
ii. Deputies may be created again (reactivated) if the problem is not solved at the end of 72 hours, but the Hierarch and Council must be notified at this time and approved by the Hierarch for the continuation of the deputization for the remainder of the problem.
iii. Deputies, while active, act at the authority of the Pax Signifer which deputized them. As such, any action taken by the deputy during this time is also an action of the Pax Signifer which deputized them.
iv. Deputy must willingly accept the position.

4. The Position of Councillors is defined as the following:

a) Each Sanctioned Cabal of the Concilium may provide one of their own members as Councillor
b) No Councillor may be an Apostate, Apostasy being the rejection and opposition to the Orders and all they stand for. However, an Independent, that being a mage who accepts the Orders but is not a part of them, may be elected to the post of Councillor.
c) Should a case of a possible breach of the precepts come to them, Councillors must hear and decide upon guilt or innocence.

5. The Position of Provost is defined as the following:

a) Each Sanctioned Cabal of the Concilium may provide one of their own members as a Provost to their selected Councillor
b) No Provost may be an Apostate, Apostasy being the rejection and opposition to the Orders and all they stand for. However, an Independent, that being a mage who accepts the Orders but is not a part of them, may be elected to the post of Provost.
c) Provost is not considered a full position of the Concilium, therefore the member may hold this position and another, except for the position of Hierarch in addition to Provost.

6. The Position of Heralds is defined as the following:

a) The Herald is selected with a Majority vote of the Concilium Councillors, a minimum of 80% of the council or their representatives must be present at the vote.
b) Herald, is charged with informing the Council of any new Solitaires and Cabals who have been recognized.
c) Herald, is charged with informing the polity of any news and changes.
d) Herald, is charged with keeping open channels to other Atlantean Consilii.
e) Heralds if deemed neutral by both parties is charged with overseeing the Rite of Requite should two members of the Concilium wish to undergo it.
f) Herald must update the formal legislation documentation of the Concilium.