St. Louis Cross Genre CofD

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The Night Congress

The ruling council of the supernatural of St. Louis, the Night Congress exists in a bargain with the City Spirit. In recent nights, the Congress was reforged, albeit for now incomplete.

The Kindred

File:Requiem skull 70x70.png

Members of the Court

Character Covenant Clan House City Status Clan Status Covenant Status Player
Amy Kim Invictus Daeva 1 2 2 Carolina
Anya Brooks Ordo Dracul Mekhet 3 1 1 Lindsey Smith
Carlos Ordo Dracul Mekhet 2 1 2 Graham Nolte
Decuma Suditsky Circle of the Crone Nosferatu 3 3 1 NPC
Hans Dekker Carthian Movement Vetrue House Roe 3 2 4 Jessica Orsini
John Caligula Invictus Daeva 2 2 3 NPC
Marcus Trask Ordo Dracul Gangrel 1 1 3 Kyle Blaes
Molly Bowen Ordo Dracul Daeva 1 1 3 Colleen Smirl
Velika "Lee" Pogreka Circle of the Crone Mekhet 3 1 3 Kyle Blaes

The Forsaken

Forsaken skull 70x70.png

Character Tribe Auspice Lodge Pack Player
Chopper ? ? None Vengeance of Aegis ?
Lucian Hunters in Darkness Irraka None Vengeance of Aegis Joe Smirl
Shaper Iron Masters Elodoth Lodge of Wires Vengeance of Aegis Jeff Easterwood

The Awakened

Awakening skull 70x70.png

Character Path Order Legacy Cabal Order Status Consilium Status Player
Bowman Mastigos Mysterium None Lupercal Ultimatum 3 4 Alex Blaes
Wolf Obrimos Mysterium None Lupercal Ultimatum ? ? Alex Seago

The Primordial

Primordial CofD skull 70x70.png

Character Family Hunger Brood Player
Amri Ugallu Nemeses None David Hupperts
Harvey Ferguson Eshmaki Nemeses None Brad Garrett

The Unchained

Descent CofD skull 70x70.png

Character Incarnation Agenda Ring Aliases Player
Mr. Hunter Tempters Messenger Simon Reinholdt Blake Frankenback

Everybody Else (Aka NPCs)

Key Locations

The Hotel St. Jude: Main gathering place for the various supernatural creatures of St. Louis.

The Gateway Arch: Sacred ground to the Forsaken and to a major spirit in the city.

Boire: Mixed race Rave, club with live music and dancing, a full bar, and a kitchen that serves most supernaturals and normals.

Local resources

St. Louis Supernatural Tabloid