Viktor Reynder

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Concept: William Fisk (Daredevil)
Clan: Gangrel
Covenant: Circle of the Crone
City: Brisbane
Title: Title
Sire: Ljónynja Øringr
Bloodline: Unknown
Group: Villr
Embraced: 1967
Player: Beau
Storyteller: Brisbane VST

Personal Information


When you first look at Viktor, you may dismiss him as the brute he appears to be. That would be a mistake. Physically imposing and built like a tank, his appearance hides a keen business intellect and vicious protective streak a mile wide. Viktor is often dressed in clothes of fine quality, a legacy of his success in business, but is not averse to dressing down for rituals, should things look like they're about to get messy.


Bold and to the point is the way Viktor works. Why beat around the bush and lose the point in the darkness. If there's not much at stake then Viktor is likely to be loud and in your face. However, he respects power, and to those who have shown it, there is a certain politeness that is afforded to predators he considers equal. The biggest difference in his personality would be apparent around his wife, Celene. Extremely protective and almost gentle, Viktor enacts her wishes with zeal and relish, and woe betide those that would attempt her harm.

Mortal World

Information Known by Kindred Society


Recent History


  • JUN - Details
  • JUL - Details
  • AUG - Details
  • SEP - Details
  • OCT - Details
  • NOV - Details
  • DEC - Details


(Year Embraced)
indicates characters out of play, through death or retirement


Quotes By


- reference.

Quotes About

"He's changed much since we first met, back when our hearts still beat and our blood still flowed. But he's retained that same callous mind. That same cunning strategy. The very brilliant presence that once had the Sydney underworld at his beckoned call. But at his core, I know the rage that stirs there. I have witnessed it; the breadth of it. Do not mistake his patience for mercy, because I assure you, he will tear you apart."

- Celene

"He reminds me of his sire. Take that as you will."

- Gaspar Acosta Da Blanca

"Young, strong, and true to his word. A loyal and worthwhile childe."

- Ljónynja Øringr‎‎

"Mmm, he is rather interesting."

- Meredith Winchester-Roe


Person 1 - "quote."
Person 2 - "quote."
Person 1 - "quote."
Person 2 - "quote."
- reference.


Inspirations and Soundtrack


OOC Information

Member Information
Player: [mailto: Beau]
Number: 00000000
Domain: Domain