Category:Wendigo Requiem CofD

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Examination of the two known bloodlines from the rugged and occult rich territory of Mexico: The Dead Wolves (hybrid werewolf Gangrel) and the Calacas (spirit bound Nosferatu), reveals the unsettling nature of the bloodlines that come from this region. However, another more primal cursed bloodline exists from a mountainous area between Mexico and Texas that causes panic and terror in all that have encountered it.

A Wendigo’s Insatiable Hunger

Roughly translated, the word ‘Wendigo’ means ‘the evil spirit that devours mankind’. Another translation, said to be made by a German explorer around 1860, equates the word ‘Wendigo’ with ‘cannibal’. Wendigos are said to have an insatiable hunger for human flesh - no matter how much blood they drink, they remain hungry. In brief, they are humans who have been changed into monsters by native American evil spirits, which possess and cause them to commit cannibalistic acts; this includes, drinking the blood of the dead (The Embrace) which fulfils a dark and ancient ritual. This condition can then be passed from Sire to Childe with the embrace.

Wendigo legends originate from native American Indian tribes. The original natives, who first occupied the region of the Wendigo, deeply revered the mountainous region and ensured that no one ever stepped foot upon its cursed soil and neither did they hunt in these mountains; because, they felt that the animals there were sacred and kept the Wendigo at bay. Legend has it that anyone who should resort to cannibalism (even if it were done to survive starvation), is overcome by evil spirits and forever damned as the monsters known as the Wendigo after consuming the flesh of another human being on the mountain.

The Wendigos are terrifying to behold, as their physical appearance are thin, bald, pale zombies with dead white eyes, which peer directly into the soul. These creatures have lightning fast reflexes and instincts for stalking and hunting their prey. They once were referred to by early Western settlers as ‘Rakes’.

The exact origin of the Wendigo is unknown. However, there are records of them since the early 1400s. Most notable was the legend of an Apache Indian Witch Doctor, Makkapitew, who was said to be the first Wendigo (please see photo, circa 1850, around 450 years old at this time).

Makkapitew was said to be skilled at terrible religious ceremonies of human sacrifice. He was also involved in the blood sport death pits of the Apache nation where he purchased and owned many Indian gladiators. He was particularly interested in creating childer infused with his blood and dark magic. He commonly had his gladiators fight against supernatural creatures (Werewolves, Mages, Changelings, Mummies, Monsters, or Prometheans) to callously observe how his blended warriors would do.

In another account of 1793, European explorers, who were looking for gold, started mining the mountain. They found both gold and silver and drilled deep into the heart of the mountain. An Apache prophet claimed that the mountain cried out and released the Spirit of the Wendigo to defend itself. Since that time, a consistent history of Wendigo sightings was recorded. According to the legend, the miners were trapped inside of the mountain by a cave-in. Initially they had 36 men, but after escaping months later only 3 remained, dozens of the men were murdered and cannibalised. To the local Apache, knowing what to look for in the condition, it was clear these miners were Wendigoes. The Apache captured and burned them at the stack, leaving their remains to be purified by the sun.

Although Wendigos are warped and terrifying creatures, their minds remain mostly untouched. They, in all respects, think and behave in ways that are typically accustomed to others. However, their blood instils a deep and ferocious predator’s aura towards other supernatural creatures. Therefore, the Wendigo often switch between a dual persona, being the rational thinking and respectable people that they once were and the nightmare creatures that they now have become.

Parent Clan: Nosferatu
Nicknames: Rakes
Covenant: The superstitious Wendigoes typically are found as members of the Lancea et Sanctum, as the blood contains deep-seated guilt for cannibalistic actions of the clan's patriarch and tendencies of depraved killers. They usually are seeking redemption from the religions of Mexico.

Appearance: As a part of the Wendigo bloodline, they are hideous and terrifying creatures. If Dead wolfs are a hybrid between vampires and werewolves, the Wendigo is a hybrid between vampires and zombies. They typically are native American Indians in heritage, however, since Texas now has its fair share of Caucasians, the demographics are becoming more and more slanted. All members display unusual physiological characteristics that they acquire as they mutate into Wendigoes. They are exceptionally pale, bald and extremely thin. They suffer from gruesome deformities, and superficial, deep wounds which never appear to heal. Therefore, the Elders of the bloodline have hundreds of years of opened injuries from previous encounters with death. They have spinal disfigurations which makes them hunch-backed, their sight changes, all of their teeth permanently become longer and sharper, their limbs lengthen. Their skin is slightly gelatinous and dead to the touch, but hard as steel. Their tough hides make the Wendigos nearly immune to all damage, including bullets and knives. However, layers of this protective skin are incredibly susceptible to fire which makes them vulnerable to lethal threats when the skin burns off.

Haven: The Wendigo have an accelerated Nosferatu tendency to hide deep within tunnels and caves. Instinctually, many of them will spend a majority of their time digging tunnels and burrows to protect themselves from the outside world. Many of the Elders have well-constructed and extremely dangerous oubliettes which they use for protection and hunting. It is indeed a perilous task to go hunting for a Wendigo in its lair (as is evident by the miners who were mining in Makkapitew’s oubliette). Background: When a Wendigo embraces, they almost exclusively choose a mortal with some mental depravity; such as a serial killer, an outlaw, or sociopath who have instincts for survival. Whether this is just out of respect for its founder or because deviants have some unique quality that survives the Embrace and ensures the continuation of the bloodline, it is unknown outside of the bloodline.
Wendigos prefer to track their prey for many days and will always hunt alone rather than in packs. They prefer to use Nightmare powers on their prey to heighten their sense of fear. And although they are monsters, they do not entirely lose their humanity towards their prey in some situations. Wendigos will sometimes allow them to escape if they show incredible courage and cunning. However, Wendigos are sadistic blood-thirsty killers and will always choose the most brutal way to kill their prey instead of simply biting or clawing them to death. Wendigoes will lure their prey by mimicking loved ones or friends of those that they have seen or heard before.

Bloodline Disciplines: Resilience, Nightmare, Obfuscate, Vigor

Weaknesses: A Wendigo is terrible to behold. Their parent clan's flaw manifests in a unique and specific manner, making them resemble zombies. Their eyes are always either dead white, bright yellow or intensely blood red while Elders eyes usually are entirely black. Shining a light into their eyes reflects back an intense blue colouration. Wendigo cannot see a mortal that remains motionless; however, this does not hinder its ability to target someone with their nightmare ability. Thus, if a mortal were to stay reasonably stationary (they may breathe heavily, tremble, sway lightly and make soft sounds of freight without detection), and they were able to resist a lash from one of the nightmare abilities, then they will remain undetected by the Wendigo. If this is the case, the mortal will gain a +5 bonus versus all actions against the Wendigo for the scene. This limitation of vision does not work however for supernatural templates (werewolves, mages, mummies, etc.) as Wendigos’ beast are intensely aware of their presence. For this reason, Wendigoes will normally travel using obfuscate lest they be unknowingly seen by a stationary mortal. The Wendigo wounds never superficially heal and must have the opened wounds bane. This will always leave a characteristic smell of death which is unique only to the Wendigo. The Wendigos are supernaturally cursed to have poor humanity as their beast are continually shrieking terrifying thoughts of depravity into their mind in sharp piercing howls and screeches. No matter what the humanity level of the Wendigo character, they will never appear to have a Humanity higher than 3 (lower if their actual humanity is below 3). This bloodline is one of the reasons behind the Bigfoot/Yeti/Bunyip/Yowie/etc., as they finally succumbed to the Beast.

Wendigos’ appetites are insatiable, they must consume twice as much blood compared to other kindred to gain vitae. However, if Wendigoes drink the blood of a victim whom they have slaughtered, they will gain vitae at a rate of one-for-one as would normal kindred. This means that they can consume the fresh dead blood of their victims (within 1 hour of death) to gain vitae. However, this usually leads to extreme troubles; as Wendigoes gruesomely slaughter their victims, impaling them on hooks, ripping out eyes and tongues, and smashing them to death with impromptu instruments or weapons; usually leading to severe masquerade breeches. Thus, Wendigoes usually choose to acquire their blood in the usual way that Kindred acquire vitae, from the living, but at the lower rate.


The Wendigoes have the following bloodline ability which embodies their terrifying nature.

The Blood Won’t Become Subservient: Wendigo are always under the effects of their beast lashing out against them from the moment of their embrace. Also, every Wendigo feels the beast as they are embraced and intensely feel the beast in other kindred. Wendigo receives a +3 bonus (+5 in the Wendigo’s oubliette) to lashing out due to their beasts' persistent heightened state.

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