Archived-The Armbruster Line

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Placeholder Page for The Armbruster Line

LogoGangrel 70x70.png Summary LogoGangrel 70x70.png

Hat: You can't teach a vampire how to be one.

We have no real heraldry, no sigils, we don't even call ourselves a house. A house has walls. We don't.

LogoGangrel 70x70.png History LogoGangrel 70x70.png

Tomas Armbruster was a German national embraced without permission in (some medieval time here). In order to save his childe's life, his sire, whose name we've forgotten deliberately, banished him from his city, which we've also forgotten deliberately, but was probably somewhere in Eastern Europe, possibly the Balkans. We think. But don't care. He moved to a new city and established his own little rule, making things up as he went along, based on what it made sense to do. When the time came to sire a childe, Armbruster had no idea how to instruct his offspring, so he took the girl aside and said "I don't know how to teach, so I won't. If you survive, that's great, and I'll be proud of you. If not, then that's your fault." He then told her to leave the city and come back in a year.

Over the years, we have developed a code by which we live - we do not teach. Gangrel are Kindred of impulse, of savage fury, in tune with the Beast Within. When you teach a Gangrel, you program them, denying our hunter's instinct. Naturally, because of our fundamental focus, we are not as pack or familial focused as other Gangrel clans. When we Armbrusters get together, we just tell stories. That way, we take from others experiences what we choose to take, or what we know to take, rather than what we are told to take. In order to remind ourselves and, more importantly, others that we are not a bloodline or clan in the traditional sense, we call ourselves a Line.

LogoGangrel 70x70.png How This Works in Practice LogoGangrel 70x70.png

Some families have intricate sigils and elaborate practices. With the Armbrusters, a family reunion consists of sitting down and telling stories.

A story can relate more than direct teaching can; and when you tell someone right from wrong, without letting them decide or learn YOU'RE CRIPPLING YOUR CHILDER, MAN! THEY DON'T EVEN STAND A CHANCE BECAUSE YOU'RE BRAINWASHING THEM LIKE BEASTS OF BURDEN, LIKE KINE!

Excuse me.

One thing dictates an Armbruster. The sire instructs the childe only what is necessary for polite society. The basic traditions of Kindred society:

  1. Don't get caught. One vampire is strong. A mob of humans could fuck you up. Hunt from the shadows.
  2. Don't just sire anyone. Most people have rocks in their head. They spend years teaching their childer. We only sire people who are smart enough to figure things out for themselves. Also - Princes tend to demand you seek permission. Don't piss off the prince.
  3. Don't drink other vampires blood. They don't like it when you do that. They'll kill your arse.

Once we say that, usually in the form of a story from our own experiences, we ask if the childe understands. Once then, the childe is released. Some sires watch their childer to make sure that the kids work alright. Some tell them that it's more important to learn from the clan. Some direct them to choosing a covenant.

At the end of the day, it only matters that the childe is smart enough to not get killed.

LogoGangrel 70x70.png Family LogoGangrel 70x70.png

  • Tomas Armbruster (German national, embraced in the Balkans, Progenitor)
    • Andreja (Slovene Huntress, Hound of Actaeon)

... ... ... Time Passes ...

      • Adam Shard (Embraced 1872, while hunting bush rangers in country Victoria)

(relationship to be defined)

LogoGangrel 70x70.png Bloodlines LogoGangrel 70x70.png

Andreja, Tomas' first childe, was enthusiastic to get in touch with her inner hunter. It's not known from whom, but she refined her bloodline to become one of the Hounds of Actaeon. However, because of our "make your own dang self", the Line has had Kindred pursue many bloodlines over the years.

LogoGangrel 70x70.png Covenants LogoGangrel 70x70.png

The focus on the choice of one's path, in addition to the notion of learning not from direct teaching, but from taking lessons from stories, has led more than some to adhere to the tenets of the Lancea Sanctum.

The emphasis on personal freedom also lends itself towards membership of the Carthian Movement and the continued improvement that underlies the Ordo Dracul.

However, as the line has a focus on self-determination and personal strength and impulse, we really don't care which covenant you join, as long as you remember you were a Gangrel before you were... whatever you became.


If you are interested in joining the bloodline/lineage, feel free to contact Michael, the brains behind this whole malarky.