Archived-Berengaria Lange

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Template:PC Summary Requiem

Tousled braid.jpg

Notable Traits:


Information Known by Kindred Society


  • 1800 - Born in
  • 1817 -
  • 1818 -
  • 1819 -
  • 1820 -
  • 1821 -
  • 1835 -
  • 1843 -
  • 1847 -
  • 1852 -
  • 1858 -
  • 1864 -
  • 1868 -
  • 1870 -
  • 1875 -
  • 1881 -
  • 1886 -
  • 1889 -
  • 1893 -
  • 1899 -
  • 1901 -
  • 1905 -
  • 1907 -
  • 1911 -
  • 1922 -
  • 1928 -
  • 1934 -
  • 1974 - After a game of cat-and-mouse he was caught by Berengaria Lange and forcibly embraced. He adapted to it soon afterwards.
  • 2013 - Present Day.

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Berengaria was born in 1800 to Eino and Säde Lange, the eldest daughter and second eldest of eight children, in the Grand Principality of Finland on a beautiful farm in .

Growing up on the farm, Berengaria grew up to be strong, independant and hard-working.

The relatively high level of autonomy in Finland was impressive for it's time, mostly from the 1700's when Finland was part of the Kingdom of Sweden and enjoyed a high level of suffrage in the Age of Liberty. As Berengaria grew up, she began to become involved in the suffrage movement to grant full suffrage back to the women of Finland. She gradually became more heavily involved and was to become known for her fearless nature and bravado, to the point that when she was involved in a protest that got violent it took three policemen to hold her down and handcuff her, an act which gained the attention of Vilrec Langlifr- the man who would change her life forever.










Quotes By

Quotes About

"My sire? Berengaria Lange, childe of Vilrec Langlifr and sister to Aksel Vinter, was the one who embraced me. After Vietnam and my honourable discharge I felt like I had nothing left. I could no longer fight as the soldier I was born to be, and so it was like the most important part of me had died. Then like a valkyrie she came and chose me to join the Valdyr, an analogy she would appreciate I'm sure, and thus gave me purpose in war once again. It is a gift that I will ever be thankful for, and I care nothing for what others may say to the contrary. Who would not choose nigh on eternity of purpose to a fleeting imitation of life? My sire found me a dead soldier and resurrected me to an afterlife dedicated to waging war until the Ragnarok claims us all. I will ever be grateful for that gift."
- Adrian Dansk, explaining his attitude towards his sire.
"This childe...this girl...this mayfly...this strange, feeble, insignificant, tender-hearted little yellow-haired speck...why do I love it so? And why do I hate it so?
Brothers, take warning; it is mine. And I will see what it does."
- Batavia, to her broodmates, after first encountering Berengaria.


Inspirations and Soundtrack

Vilrec: Forever- The Dropkick Murpheys

Stellan: Blood- Anthrax

Aksel: Blood Brothers- Earth, Wind & Fire

Lothar: Mack the Knife


OOC Information

Member Information
Player: BecPring
Number: AU2009030004
Domain: Brisbane