Theodore S. Stirling

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Note: Approvals pending. Character not yet in play.

Concept: Pacifist Diplomat
Clan: Mekhet ••
Covenant: Invictus ••
City: Geelong --
Title: Commissioner, Speaker
Sire: Jacqueline Travers
Bloodline: Agonistes
Embraced: 1898
Player: Mat Gailey
Storyteller: Geelong VST
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Personal Information

Theodore Silas Stirling, Teddy to his friends, is a polite, friendly and helpful ancilla. He has an unusual tendency to carry himself somewhat more like an older neonate. He detests kindred conflict and does his best to get along with just about everyone, so long as they don't make the task impossible. Teddy is clever, good with money and always looking to make new friends and expand his social network. IT wouldn't be wrong to say that he carries himself like a Daeva or a Ventrue. Teddy holds the Conspiracy of Silence in high regard, feeling as though he owes his existence to the Covenant. After all, if he hadn't received the embrace from one of its members, where would he be now? Teddy is the self professed founder of House Stirling.


Teddy is a pale man with longish, curly dark hair, hot whiskey eyes, and a neat, well-maintained beard. He has a bright friendly face with an almost constant closed-lipped smile. He's six feet tall, and has a fairly average build. Teddy prefers to dress well with a neatly pressed suit, but will usually do his best to dress appropriately to whatever situation he finds himself in. He does however prefer to make sure that all of his clothes are well-made, well fitting and attractive, even those made for casual or practical purposes.


Teddy is friendly, compassionate, and helpful. He's also very outgoing. While he strives to be polite in all things, he has a soft spot for people with crude humour or blunt manners of speech. He himself will never demonstrate such things, of course. While Teddy values tradition, and has a quiet issue with the Carthian Movement, he appreciates more progressive ideas and attitudes, and tends to advocate for tolerance and understanding in all things. Teddy deplores violence to a near phobic level. He does his best to avoid any violent conflict, and while he understands the importance of combatants and respects that there are times where violence between kindred may be necessary, he will always do his best to fix things before they escalate to actual violence.

Mortal World

The mortal world knows very little of Teddy these nights. He works through an intermediary in most things, and is believed to have died long ago in kindred circles.

Information Known by Kindred Society

Teddy is a known member of the Agonistes bloodline, with a reputation for diplomacy, and a hatred of conflict. He is known to have a knack for finding money, and for helping to coordinate Invictus funds. Teddy is openly gay, and doesn't concern himself with hiding it. Teddy's lineage is something he is proud of and will discuss regularly if it comes up.


  • 1860s - Born in Toronto Canada in 1868, youngest of three siblings.
  • 1870s - Teddy begins private tutoring at age five.
  • 1880s - Teddy spends some time at an expensive boarding school.
  • 1890s - Teddy attends the university of Toronto. While there he attracts the attention of a Ventrue member of the Invictus who begins to condition and manipulate him, planning on selling him to another Kindred of the Silent Conspiracy. Eventually he is handed off to an Agonistes of the Silent Conspiracy, and embraced. He is trained by his sire to be a diplomat and socialite.
  • 1900s - Teddy, having joined the Invictus, is punished by his sire with a period of torpor. During this time the Great Toronto Fire breaks out. Teddy's death is faked to remove him from the equasion of mortal society.
  • 1910s - Teddy wakes from torpor in 1910. After further education from his sire, Teddy is released as World War One begins, and his sire returns to Greece. Teddy travels Canada during this time.
  • 1920s - Teddy travels to the United States, visiting several American courts. During this time he has some of his formative interactions with the Carthian movement, particularly those with violent leanings.
  • 1930s - Teddy begins to learn Dominate. This resonates in his blood and the Agonistes bloodline awakens in response. Teddy Embraces his first childe. (Character tie available!). As the second world war breaks out, a fearful Teddy withdraws as much as he can from society to focus on raising his childe.
  • 1940s - Emerging from voluntary seclusion, and a relatively short torpor, Teddy releases his first childe. Teddy has a passionate relationship with a returning world war two soldier named Cecil Lawrence. Teddy embraces Cecil in 1949
  • 1950s - Teddy and Cecil travel to the UK, before returning to Canada.
  • 1960s - Teddy releases Cecil. The two remain in close contact despite Cecil choosing to return to the United States.
  • 1970s - Teddy and Cecil continue to meet for some time, travelling to see one another. During these travels. Teddy begins to ply his trade as a Commissioner, as well as a professional Invictus diplomat. Teddy proves successful in this field and makes a large amount of money for himself and the Invictus. In 1978, Cecil is killed by a Carthian militant seeking revenge for an Invictus hit against a Carthian. Teddy, struck by grief, enters a ritualistic torpor, as befitting his bloodline.
  • 1980s - Torpor
  • 1990s - Torpor
  • 2000 - Teddy awakens in 2004. Not wishing to remain so close to where he lost his lover and Childe, Teddy travels to Australia. Hoping to recapture the 'spark' he felt with Cecil, Teddy embraces another male child, but the relationship doesn't work out. Teddy releases this childe only a year later. This childe goes on to embrace Makhenna Lay. Meanwhile, Teddy goes on to make a concerted attempt to regain his humanity, through charity work and close social contact with mortals. During this decade Teddy meets several members of his family, including his uncle, Nico, and his Grandsire Angelo.
  • 2010s - In 2010, Teddy feels the death of his grandsire. This time he is able to resist the pull of torpor. Teddy travels Australia, mainly staying in smaller and more remote cities. He plies his trades as a diplomat and financier to some success. During this time he meets his touchstone and ghoul, Daniel. A gift from another Invictus Kindred (Character tie open). Daniel becomes Teddy's lover and touchstone.

Recent History

  • April 2019 - Makhenna Lay, Teddy's Grandchilde is sent to live with him.
  • May 2019 - Teddy relocates to Geelong.


Known Sire

Teddy's sire is a woman named Jacqueline Travers. Jacqui is a Notary of the First Estate and by modern nights, is teetering on the edge of elder status. Teddy has had little contact wit her since his Embrace but he remembers her as a kind, but stern woman who would brook no argument from him. She was discreet, clever and subtle. Every bit the typical mekhet.

Known Siblings

None known! Open to potential character ties.

Known Childer

  • Unnamed first childer. Character tie available!
  • Cecil - Deceased. Teddy's late lover, and unabashedly his favourite childe.
  • Arnold Walker - Sire to Makhenna.

Known Grand-childer

  • Makhenna Lay - Teddy's charge, and vassal. She worries him, but he plans to do his very best to raise her as a true kindred of quality.
  • Other grandchilder potentially available for PC play!


Quotes By

"Oh, no..."

- Upon learning that Makhenna had to feed from willing donors.

"What's the point of such a savage approach? You won't kill the Movement by killing its members. What's more is we might take our own losses, and we can't afford that right now."

- Convincing other Invictus to take a more reasonable course of action.

"Please, call me Teddy."

- Several times, when he comes to like another kindred.

Quotes About


- who said it.


Person 1 - "quote."
Person 2 - "quote."
Person 1 - "quote."
Person 2 - "quote."
- reference.


  • Teddy is a secret assassin for the Silent Conspiracy
  • Cecil was never killed by a Carthian. Teddy diablerised him after a lovers' quarrel, and then went into torpor to hide from the repercussions.
  • Teddy embraced Arnold because he reminded him of Cecil. He has regretted this ever since.
  • Teddy's whole history is a lie. He's actually only a couple of decades old and is pure-clan.

Inspirations and Soundtrack

  • This is Gospel - Panic! at the Disco
  • The Scientist - Coldplay
  • Wake Me Up When September Ends - Greenday
  • The Cave - Mumford and Suns
  • It's Time - Imagine Dragons
  • We are Young - Fun
  • Geronimo - Sheppherd
  • It's Quiet Uptown - Lin Manuel Miranda (Hamilton)
  • Ends and Means - Robby Hect
  • An Ode to Death - Birds of Tokyo
  • Lanterns - Birds of Tokyo
  • Medicine - Birds of Tokyo
  • Wide Awake - Katy Perry
  • New Perspective - Panic! At the Disco
  • Just Close Your Eyes - Waterproof Blonde

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Mat Gailey
Number: 2010120002
Domain: Southern Cross