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The Netherlands in 1901


A chance encounter between the Volmark and Valdyr (Note a little creative license was taken on the chat log to clean up the scene)

Christopher Merrick: while he is extremely pale and has black veins his skin is rough like a sharks, the most disturbing thing however is his mouth. It stretches to his jaw bone and has 3 rows of serrated teeth. Dressed in (looks like this but with a red robe on and a walking stick with a skull on it)

Berengaria: Think a blonde Helena Bonham-Carter



Christopher Merrick: valdyr are one of the leading cause of dissention amongst the best they cause chaos at worst they are little more then rabid dogs in need of being put down. brood members waiting to happen...

Berengaria: thats not at all what we are like, we actually have a history of fighting the Brood

Christopher Merrick: everyone can be redeemed in time...but they have to want it.....and the reason you fight the brood so hard is so it doesnt get out that members of the valdyr fall to the beast so often....and if they are found out then the rest of the clan can stand up and say "but we clean up our mess"....and so what if you need to kill 1 or 2 of your fallen family...the rest are safe and hidden from prying eyes come now dear girl...repent and walk away from the chaos of your dont even need to become a ward of the Volmarks....just get another gangrel to adopt you think of the mortals you could save were you to choose humantiy over the beast

  • looks innocent*

Berengaria: *laughs* Nope Thats not how it is at all xD Berengaria is not falling for that stuff

Christopher Merrick: ahhh well ill let my sire know how you feel...and one day we might even wake you up and see if you feel differently....oh...right...we are meant to be at err...piece... *looks around* we can continue this discussion in my lair?

Berengaria: Noooooope! I think I need to go have a conversation with my sire

Christopher Merrick: *smiles fades* dont you trust me? *looks hurt*

Berengaria: Trust a Volmark?

  • laughs hysterically*

Christopher Merrick: so...your racist against my family....but you say yours doesnt breed chaos and desention?.....*looks at you dumbfounded*... then growls....."be careful here.... the beast in us can rise at any given slight...."

Berengaria: I never said I was racist against your family, I have never killed in senseless violence or cruel meaningless pettiness. And I need not worry about my beast, she and I are old friends.

  • grins darkly*

Christopher Merrick: i was speaking of my own my dear. to insult the volmark name is a personal insult to myself.... so watch your tounge.... or ill forget that im the civil one and your the beastly one

  • grins back and licks his lips*

Berengaria: Attack me if you wish, spawn of Volmark. But remember which of us it was that lost control first *chuckles*

Aksel:..Another figure saunters in... “'e looks like a frost giant”

Christopher Merrick: "I wont need to lose control little girl....but i warn you one last time...impinge my family one last time and i will see you boxed and removed as a threat till the end comes....errr who is this?"

Aksel:..Just a friend

Aksel: *Looks Merrick up and down* Okay, maybe a frost-giant that lost a bet with a colour-blind Venetian courtesan.

Berengaria: When you call my family beasts and creatures of chaos and liken us to the Brood, I will "impinge" on you as much as I wish You do not own me. NO-ONE owns me. I am Free!

Christopher Merrick: "another valdyr i take it ...i had heard you wandered around in wild dogs" *smiles like its a joke but there is a glint in his eye like his eye* "be silent little girl...pups shouldn’t yap too loudly"

Berengaria: "Says the creature who’s requiem has begun more recently than mine did.

Aksel: boy did I pick the right time to wander in. It's always fun to watch my big sis get cranky, messy, but fun.

Berengaria: *grins*

Aksel: Is the little Nos giving you lip sister? I mean how ser....wait... did he call us brood?

Christopher Merrick: "the difference being i was taught correctly...and you were taught by beasts...not all... just 98 percent of you valdyr...some I’m sure will repent and seek enlightenment in time"

Aksel: Oh gods, the only thing more irritating than a Volmark is a preachy one.

Christopher Merrick: "and as i told the little thing...all valdyr bring chaos and rebellion and those that don’t seek to better their nature should be put down like rabid dogs for even a rabid dog has a place in gods scheme where as the valdyr as they are not"

Aksel: You can keep your pale god, and your pale faith, and your stolen symbolism. All it is good for is guilt and keeping you all singing the party line like good little cannibalistic sheep.

Berengaria: Well said brother *seething* You poor misguided fool. They've brainwashed you thoroughly, haven't they.

Christopher Merrick: *laughs and looks at Aksel* that’s all you got?? you’re as bad as the pup....yapping away at your betters heals in the hopes we will throw you some scraps... you I’m sure are beyond redemption petty thing...take off your clothes, get on your hands and knees and bark like the dog you are...for I can see no humanity in for you little girl...maybe in time you will seek out wisdom when you do seek me out...till then...put a collar on the cur and walk him home"

Aksel: Tell me pretty boy, you've been dead for, what, a century? Maybe more? ... and in all that time have you ever pulled that wooden cross out of your arse and ever actually had any FUN?

Berengaria: *giggles*

Christopher Merrick: "of course i have....but im sure we have different ideas of fun...what does a dog know of fun.... roll in the dirt... chasing rabbits....pathetic"

Berengaria: Don’t think the Volmark know what the word fun means, brother. What a poor, sorry creature you are, Nosferatu, to have never tasted freedom. Then again, with a sire like yours... I’m really not surprised

Aksel: It's the Lance madness they think they're all damned and have to spend an eternity flagellating themselves over it. I pity them more than anything, why stay alive if you aren't willing to live. Then again, he does apparently want to see you naked, so maybe there is some hope for him yet....

Christopher Merrick: freedom is an illusion ...we are all gods creatures even if we fail to accept it...even if we are i said...speak to me when you’re willing to accept gods hand in your unlife... till then be a good little girl and let the men speak..."

Berengaria: If he wanted to see me naked, he could ask his uncle Lothar.

  • growls* You do not own me. You do not tell me what to do.

Aksel: Okay fang, you show my sister a little respect before you go too far.

Christopher Merrick: *grins* i was showing her respect....I didn’t say what i really thought of valdyr women....

Berengaria: You say they are warriors and worthy of the halls of the gods, Volmark.

  • frowns*

Aksel: If he's smart that's what he thinks.

Christopher Merrick: i say they should be good little puppies and be seen and not heard... actually why don’t you *points to Aksel* put her in a little dress and make her behave more like a lady...and less like a ill-bred dog

Berengaria: *Snarls loudly* Women are not dolls to be played with you ingrate! Your kind make me sick *spits at the ground by your feet* We are wasting our time here brother. Im leaving.

Christopher Merrick: " you are right....but as you have shown...valdyr females....are not women....they are men without the appropriate best that is worst rabid dogs like the rest of your bloodline

Berengaria: *shifts into wolf and backs up, not leaving her back open to an enemy*

Aksel:...put her....*laughs* she looks far better in leather and steel, but if you are so fixated on apparel, and you really shouldn't be, considering what you're wearing....... oh leaving, you're not going to teach him some manners? Ohhh... (practically purrs) can I?

Berengaria: *nods*

Christopher Merrick: *turns his back on the little girl not worried about her in the slightest* bring it dog....just be aware if you lose yourself to the beast ill put you down now ...rather then wait for later

Aksel: *Grin* Fantastic, lets see if your little god can prevent me putting you through a wall....

Christopher Merrick: *draws a line in the sand with his metal walking stick then spins it round a couple of times* anytime your ready dog...if the pup gets involved she will be bloodied....badly....I might even take her back to my lair for a time....then ill see her naked all right *licks his lips again*

Aksel: Oh... rules... silly, silly sewer crawler, where is the fun in that... launches himself

Berengaria: *growls and digs claws into the dirt, waiting*

Christopher Merrick calmly allows Aksel to close and hit, takes a step back with the blow then puts his shoulder down and shoulder rams him (yeah clearly vigored up) While Aksel simply shrugs the blow off as if it was nothing and comes in swinging. The entire fight his grin just gets bigger and bigger, not only when he lands a blow, but also when he takes on. He is truly reveling in the chance to fight. Christopher Merrick …again... Aksel gets a hit in and Christopher sweeps his walking stick through the air, it whistles with the power of the blow... (merrick smiles too... he is civilized but he loves fighting...bringing pain in the name of god....though that’s really just an excuse)

Berengaria: *scratches claws in the dirt, watching for any signs that Aksel needs help*

Aksel: *Notices this. I'm sorry sis, I'm being rude, would you like a turn at Nos piñata

Christopher Merrick: bring it little pup....hell you can fight along side this cur and ill still send you both yelping to your sires...

Aksel: Cur? The smile slips for a moment and his fighting style changes for a second and Aksel lands a three strike combo... (it would look martial-arty) before slipping back into more of a wild brawl

Berengaria move as Aksel slides back in for a second blow, she races around to flank Merrick, biting through his Achilles tendons*

Christopher Merrick: stumbles back and nearly falls over but managers to get his balance his wound healing as 2 brood members come charging in, Christopher throws himself into a roll under the arms of one then comes up crouching and hisses before launching at one of the broods back completely ignoring his original foes

Aksel also breaks off immediately. The smile vanishes, replaced by claws.

Berengaria slips into a proper fighting stance and takes on a Brood with her brother, snapping at its heels and lunging for its weakest joints. She pulls one of its arms off in her strong jaws, but not before the Brood member manages to rake its claws down her back.

Aksel: Fall back. There are too many!

Christopher Merrick clearly allows the beast to show but controlled eventually getting one on his back where he proceeds to throw blow after blow into the brood members skull his clearly better in grapples then he is with his walking stick but his clearly hurting

Aksel: You too pretty boy, we have a conversation to finish, and i don't want some Brood scum eating you before it's finished.

Berengaria growls, rage clear on her wolf face, tears a chunk of flesh from the Brood she is fighting, giving them time to back away and retreat into the trees.

Christopher Merrick growls in frustration obviously beyond works for a moment his teeth clench and grind before he nails the brood his on to the ground with his staff then backs off......ill watch for you pups...i look forward to our next meeting....i hope you escape *grins at Berengaria* next time ill show you how a real women treats a man pretty little thing (obs)

Berengaria Shifts back to human form long enough to throw Merrick the archers salute before shifting into a raven and flying up into the trees

Christopher Merrick runs off unseen. both grateful for the interruption (he knows he probably would have lost) but also frustrated that the fight didn’t keep going. thinking to himself "its such a shame the dogs are such animals...he can respect these 2 as fighters...almost kindred...if only they would learn their place as gods damned messages.... it would have been good to teach that little girl her tame her....maybe next time...

Aksel: ((later on to Berengaria. That was fun, the little Vol almost seemed to be enjoying himself))