Archived-Bernard Estera

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Template:PC Summary Requiem


Personal Information

Invictus Titles
Sir Baron Bernard Estera

Primus of Sydney

Regent of the West

Knight Commander of the Right & Noble Order of the Iron Wall


Estera has very short dark black hair, cropped military-style. He is clean-shaven except for a goatee, and his eyes are a light brown. Some Kindred have commented that his eyes look almost innocent, and his expression rarely suggests anything more. He dresses in formal suits, often black-tie with a middle-eastern motif when in court, and normally carries a curved sword.


Estera isn't your typical Invictus. He doesn't have the typical spoon in his mouth, or air of quiet disapproval. He's obviously from money, and his accent suggests British or Western schooling, but he's not arrogant about it, just matter-of-fact. Approachable, friendly, he has often been spoken of by other kindred of the court, as the "most genuinely hospitable and friendly Vampire" they've ever met. While not the Keeper himself, he has been known to be very swift in dealing with vampires who cannot hold their tempers when on it's grounds (however it is noteworthy that he never destroys these kindred, only restrains them as politely as he can).

Information Known by Kindred Society


This timeline is a work in progress

Recent History

  • Estera arrived in Sydney in 1979, brandishing a recently sealed and signed Knighthood by the hand of Governor Bush.
  • Aided in the assault on the Brood in Sydney, reported to have personally bought the Final Death to at least three of the retched Kindred including one practicing the vile act of Diablerie and a handful of their mortal followers.
  • 1980 - In the aftermath of the retaking of Sydney, Estera was the only Invcitus apart from the mysterious Baron Bautone willing to remain in the city. He claimed the title of Primus, and has held it ever since.
  • 1980 to present: Openly and willing commits Invictus resources to any and all City initiatives put forward by the Governors or Keepers of Elysium that require financial or militant support.


Known Childer

Known Grand-childer


Quotes By

"The Masquerade is everything, without it we are doomed. This I cannot allow." To a member of the Brood before giving him the Final Death.

"Happiness is the only sanction of life; where happiness fails, existence remains a mad and lamentable experiment."

Quotes About

"An eminently social individual. One must be weary of the prowess behind the affable exterior." Baron Bautone

" Who's that? You impudent little snot. That, right there is a war hero. He rode in and saved this place, so keep a civil fucking tongue in your head" - Tobias Mol to a young Kindred during Ferdinand Wolfe's reign




Primary Influence

Secondary Influences



Additional tracks

Member Information
Player: Matt Bennett
Domain: Sydney