Category:Ravnos V5

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Revision as of 21:10, 21 December 2020 by KeirSkunky (talk | contribs)
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In-Clan Disciplines
Animalism, Obfuscare and Presence
Rogues, Ravens, Daredevils, The Haunted

Who are the Ravnos

Masters of misdirection, the Rogues prefer not to fight or bleed for something they can obtain through subtler means. They can charm and vanish within the same mortal breath, and those once fooled quickly learn to question their very senses when in the company of Ravens. For that reason, Ravnos vampires seldom advertise their nature, and once their cover is blown they are quick to make their escape. Not that they have much choice in the matter, as inexorable doom lurks in their vitae, threatening to consume them if they ever come to rest. But as the flashover of the supposed destruction of their progenitor burns through the clan, new generations have managed to stay a step ahead of this blood-borne conflagration and are quietly re-establishing the lineage.

Known SPCs

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Historical Importance to the Ravnos

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Clan Weakness

Clan Bane

The Ravnos are Doomed. If they slumber in the same place more than once within 7 nights, roll a number of dice equal to their Bane Severity. They receive aggravated damage equal to the number of 10s (Criticals) rolled as they are scorched from within. Each new sleeping location must be outside a 1km radius from each other, and the Ravnos cannot take the No Haven Flaw at creation. Furthermore should a Ravnos use a Mobile Haven such as a Van, the Van must be parked in a different location each night to avoid the clan curse.

Clan Compulsion

Tempting Fate: The Vampire takes a -2 penalty to all dice rolls to not attempt to solve a problem using the most dangerous outcome. This persists until the problem is either solved or further attempts become impossible


This category has the following 6 subcategories, out of 6 total.

Pages in category "Ravnos V5"

The following 5 pages are in this category, out of 5 total.