Silent Nihilists

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Silent Nihilists
Type: Here
City: Here
Chasse: EmptyDot.pngEmptyDot.pngEmptyDot.pngEmptyDot.pngEmptyDot.png
Lien: EmptyDot.pngEmptyDot.pngEmptyDot.pngEmptyDot.pngEmptyDot.png
Portillon: EmptyDot.pngEmptyDot.pngEmptyDot.pngEmptyDot.pngEmptyDot.png
Player: [mailto: ]
Storyteller: [mailto: Here VST]
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Coterie Description

The Silent Nihilists are a coterie formed through a willingness to survive against the odds of the conformist vampiric societies. The Nihilists do not bow down before any authority and do not take any principle on faith, whatever that principle may be enshrined in. Moreover the Silent Nihilists reject political norms and institutions.

Coterie Members

Character Clan City Sect Player
Floyd Fox Brujah Adelaide Anarch Tom
Leo Caitiff Adelaide Anarch Josh

Domain Location

Where is your Coterie's Domain located? What kind of people are there?

Coterie Boons