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Template:PC Summary V5

Information Known by Kindred Society

Embrace: 2013
Apparent Age: early 20’s


Anne 99% of the time rocks up in a skirt, corset, heels, with a crown and matching jewelry. She will switch up her makeup colours from time to time, but prefers the green of Invidia, which matches the bright poison of her green eyes. Anne dresses like this on purpose, so as to distinguish her SM personality "Queene Anne" from herself when she's out on the streets in casual clothes.


Anne affects a british accent, and will mostly turn up to gatherings right after work, dressed in what she terms as her "court" attire. Is it historic? Gods no. Does she care? Not at all. Anne is there to tempt those that she can into freeing themselves from the chains that bind them and blind them.

She is unfailingly sweet, but quite often frustrated with her little brother and his friends, feeling that she is still stuck babysitting a bunch of toddlers armed with cannons.

Mortal World

Personal Information - Before Embrace


Anne is the oldest child of a middle income family. Continously driven to succeed and "pave the path" for her little brother, she took a small trip between studies with her long time boyfriend to visit London during the olympics. After going through a severe breakup, Anne was picked up and remoulded by the Ministry in London who saw opportunity in this social media-savvy woman. A girl had left for London, but a "Queen" returned back. Anne was determined to reshape herself as much as she could, to distance herself from the girl she was.


  • 1989 - 2013 - Mortal Life
  • 2013 - Embraced in London by Nicky.
  • 2013 - Sent back to Canberra to be under Snez's protection until released
  • 2018 - Anne's club "Seven Degrees of Nine" formally opens and joins the annual pub crawl, with a golden promise for those who can beat the "Queen's Game"
  • 2021 - Forms a coterie with her family and formally joins the Anarchs under Baron Jordo



- "Temptation is there to free those from the shackles that bind, but even temptation must be tempered with moderation. Too much and you fall too far into chaos."
- "Hello Darling."




  • Is the only one capable to talking to the Moirai coterie
  • The crown she wears is the actual crown worn by Anne Boleyn
  • Is toxic to anyone seeking a long term relationship with her

Inspirations and Soundtrack

  • Don't Lose Ur Head Sorry, not sorry for what I said, I'm just tryna have some fun. Don't worry, don't worry, don't lose ur head, I didn't mean to hurt anyone. L-O-L, say oh well, or go hell! I'm sorry, not sorry for what I said, don't lose ur head!


  • Anne Boleyn and Anna of Cleves from Six the Musical
    • Let's be honest, just all of Six: the Musical
      • Did I mention Six: the Musical?
  • Maria Reynolds from Hamilton: the Musical
    • Portrayed as a vixen in red there to seduce Hamilton.


OOC Information


OOC Information

Very happy to form OOC ties, childer, enemies, etc

Member Information
Player: [mailto: Kristine]
Number: 2013090002
Domain: Canberra