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Character summary template at Template:PC Summary Requiem

Character page at Requiem Template

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Sire: Batavia

Bloodline: Badacelli

Notable Traits: A complete monster, human only by its base configuration. Giant. No eyes.

Titles: Alder (Formal, favoured) The freak, etc.. (Vulgar, may headbutt offender)

Invictus Titles: Alder Lord Advocate


Information Known by Kindred Society


  • 1710: Embraced by Batavia in Sicily.
  • 1740: Joins the Invictus.
  • 1841: Leaves for Western Australia on the French Whaler Perseverant, which is wrecked on Dirt Hartog Island after falling afoul of

(Evyn's Char) reaver fleets. Algol makes his displeasure known to the hapless survivors by hunting them down over several nights and gorging on their blood. This and the infrequent blood of animals is enough to sustain him until he reaches the mainland.

  • 1842: After terrorising the local Aboriginal tribes one time too many, he is overcome in battle with a group of shamans

whilst lairing in a deep cave. With his hide burnt by fire and his senses reeling from the sacred chants, Algol is swallowed by the darkness and vanishes, reappearing later, warped and strange in the colony of Perth. His meeting with the already established vampires there was.... acrimonious.

  • 1845: Torpor. The warping of his blood and form is completed while he sleeps. He never sees again.
  • 1900: Leaves Perth to it's established kindred and shifts to Darwin, there to begin making inroads on the fledgling transport industry.
  • 1914: WWI. Algol keeps his already low profile as hidden as possible in this time of unrest and suspicion. The money brought in by the transportation industry is increasing however, and careful feeding on the military personnel means his food supply is enlarged for a time.
  • 1942: WWII. Darwin is bombed. Algol flee's with his retainers to Kalgoorlie, where he is granted shelter and feeding rights by (Evyn's Char) and meets (Matty's Char) Against all odds the three strike up a friendship of sorts, united in their dislike of the Kindred of Perth. Sure enough, by the end of the war they have become a coterie.
  • 1960/1970: Algol bargains for transport to Sydney, there to operate as a terror from the shadows during the early part of the Brood Wars. During this time he was responsable for several atrocities, targetting herds and the vunerable, before being forced to retire from the fray due to injuries sustained.

(More history being developed)

Recent History


Grandsire: Godric Volmark
Sire: Batavia

Known Childer

Known Grand-childer


Quotes By

Quotes About



  • Ripped off and ate a Kindreds face.

Inspirations and Soundtrack

  • "No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity.But I know none, and therefore am no beast." Richard III
  • Marvels Apocalypse, in particular "Evil? I am not malevolant, I simply AM."

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Ryan
Number: AU2005100755
Domain: Perth