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  1. Chud, NPC (Unknown) who embraced Mr Hobbes and later Francis Kaiser on one of the Lesser Antilles Islands, little more is known of this creature other than it was of the Noctuku bloodline and turned mortals as more of a cruel entertaiment.
    1. Mr Hobbes (1877) - sewer dwelling monstrosity of the Ordo Dracul
      1. Childer
        1. Cazador (1980) - unaligned former legbreaker for the Cartels.
    2. Alajos Kaiser, NPC (1892) - Hungarian descent, was sired while part of a missionary and lost the faith after slaughtering most of his fellow travellers. Joined The Cockscomb Society during the mid 1920's Roaring Twenties in New York before travelling through Europe and finally settling in Sydney where he was lost to the Necropolis in South Western Sydney in 1994.
      1. Francis (1929) - socialite
      2. Ferdinand Wolfe (1943) - transhumanist empire builder of the Carthian Movement.
        1. Dante Romano, NPC (1978) - Architect who started construction on Sydney's Necropolis, joined the Telamones bloodline in the 1980's when travelling Europe, disappeared into the Necropolis in Eastern Sydney in 2008.
          1. Hayden's Character - The Maker
  2. Maff's Character (possibly adopted into the house)
    1. Veronica Hack (TBC)
  3. Kohana (1943) - savage huntress of the Ordo Dracul (Adopted after being disowned by the Valdyr)
    1. Dahlia, NPC (19??) -
      1. Jericho (1961) -