The Hunters

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Of all the Loyalists in Brisbane it seems like the most active and dangerous all work together in a treacherous bastardisation of a Motley.

Known members of the group:
Jack Rover - A relentless Beastkin Headhunter.
Grant - A Stonebones brawler, not much of a talker, but hits like a train.
Chris Wavefall - A beautiful Fairest descriptions of her vary greatly.
Greg Weisman - A darkling lurkglider, a gargoyle like man. Genuinly seems unhappy with what he's doing.
Elise - A spider skitterskulk, sensual and deadly. You never see her coming until you feel the bite.
Tyson - A mist elemental, a beautiful charming man. Very hard to dislike.
Cain - Little is known about this wizened.

The Head Hunters are a group of at least Seven Loyalist changeling who capture and return any Changeling who manages to break free from Arcadia that we don't get to first. They are ruthless and brutal in their tactics, showing a willingness to do either of killing any Freehold changeling that gets in their way or simply chasing or warning them away.

Lost are warned that the Head Hunters are to be avoided at all costs, they are extremely capable at tracking anyone that they have a lead on. They seem to be less inclined towards hunting Freehold Lost than they are towards the new arrivals, who they pursue with relentless ferocity, but have been known to drag Freehold Lost who haven't hidden well enough from their beds in the dead of night.

Known Dangers and Weaknesses


  • Never chase Jack. He is a master of many vicious traps, luring any enemy pursuit to change a fight his advantage.
  • His pride is his weakness, he is a great hunter and he knows it. He will personally target the greatest threat himself, if you seem weak he loses interest.


  • Extremely strong but lacks interest. If you run, he won't chase you.


  • Beautiful, seductive, chaming. She doesn't love you, she isn't interested and she doesn't actually want you to save her from these horrible people. She is lying. Guard your heart.


  • He can fly, or at least glide. Watch out from above.


  • Can turn invisible and has makes uses of poisons.


  • If his mists begin to envelop you, just run. Tyson is a sociopath who loves to tear his prey slowly apart.


  • Nothing is known. Presumably a wizened with some interest in technology based on his appearance.

Rumours and Legends

Please add rumours you hear or make up about this group of Loyalists

  • While the most commonly seen Loyalists in the city, rumour has it that this group is only a small number of the Archerfield group of Loyalists.