Archived-Order of the Black Cross

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Order of Brothers of the German House of Saint Maron in Icaria

Blackcross ilustraltion.jpg

Created in the ashes of the Counter Reformation the first incarnation of The Order of the Black Cross were a group of Invictus Knights and Sanctum Crusaders who had been left for dead in the plague infested lands of their enemy. They were lost warriors, forgotten by their Covenants, abandoned to the final death. Despite their enemy being victorious and their forces being decimated, they refused to except that the lands had been lost to damnation and heresy and retreat back to the safe Sanctified borders of their homeland in Germany. Instead they ventured to the Island of Icaria and fortified themselves within the village of Agios Kirykos and attempted to vanish from the Kine and their enemy.

But blood was sparse in the small village and the blood that they found was often tainted with plague and other sickness. Soon, infighting crept into their ranks. The Knights turned against the Crusaders, the Crusaders against the Knights; it appeared as though they had failed and that they would destroy each other before their enemy would get a chance.

But then came a ghostly vision of the Saint, the Third Dark Apostle whom they knew to be Maron. The Saint spoke to them and told them that redemption can only be found by purging blood and the soul from all corruption. Only together could they find this.

From this commandment, they decided that together, 1st and 2nd estate they would form a Damned Order whose purpose was to cleanse the blood and souls of the Kine. The Invictus would ensure that the mortals were treated and that their blood was not tainted by disease, while the Sanctum would ensure that they worshipped the one true god and that they were protected from the corruption of outsiders. Within ten years the small village had been transformed from a festering pit of corruption to a thriving community of pious Catholics. So strong was their virtue that when their enemy realised that the town had been purged they were unable to stamp out their virtue and turn them back towards Ottoman heresy. Also the health of the locals became so renound that it inspired other villages to turn back to the true Catholic teachings in order to live a healthy life.

Finally, after twenty years the Order of The Black Cross had grown so powerful that they were able to defeat their enemies entirely and cleanse much of their lands.

Faction Requirements and Benefits

Details to come

Clans: The Knights of the Black Cross do not specifically recruit from any one clan, although their numbers would indicate otherwise. The Order instead choose members based on faith and ability.
Nickname: The Order of Saint Maron are known more commonly as the Black Cross. They have also been called as the Sable Cross, The German Knights. In the original latin they are known as Sanctæ Maroni Theutonicorum Icaria and in German they are Known as Orden der Brüder vom Deutschen Haus St. Maroni in Icaria.
Covenant: Members of The Order of Saint Maron come almost exclusively from the ranks of the Invictus and the Lancea Sanctum.
Appearance: There is no such typical appearance of a Knight of the Order. Invictus Knights tend to favour suits and fineries of clothing whilst Lance Knights tend to favour clerical garb. The one thing both groups have is that their clothing is neither loose nor overly adorned with accessories as these help with get in the way during combat. Knights also make it a habit of being armed at almost all times, so as to defend themselves and their charges from aggressors. The symbol of the Order, a small Black Cross is worn around the neck on a simple chain, this offers members of the Order a quick note of who is their ally without verbal communication.
Haven: Simple and unassuming is the main aspect of many Black Cross' havens, this stems back to the formation of the Order when the Knights were nomads by name, never staying long enough in one place to acquire personal possession beyond what could be carried on a horse. Many Haven's also maintain a small shrine to offer up their daily prayers.
Background: Details to come
Disciplines: Knights tend to focus on martial disciplines so as to be able to protect their flock and charges, but not all Knights go this route. Some Knights understand that fights can be avoided with the right skill set. Needless to say as long as a discipline can have a direct impact in a fight or help to prevent it is a valued boon to the Order.
Organisation: Details to come
Concepts: Details to come

Members of the Order of the Black Cross