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Template:PC Summary Awakening

Strider, Warlock of the Silver Ladder

Warlock of the Silver Ladder

Born: January 29, 1980

Age: 33

Rank: Disciple of Space and Life (maybe Adept of Space)


Various nicknames and aliases:

Concept: Cryptopoly information provider (Virtue: Hope, Vice: Pride)

Physical description: A paragon of business-like efficiency: white shirt, black tie, black jacket, sunglasses.

Nimbus: Burning flames filled with eyes, surrounding and watching from every direction; distant screaming from behind; sulphur.


Awakened: 2002

Initial Master: Harp (NPC), estranged

Current Master: Lamia (NPC)


  • 1995-1999 Teenage life, not a time Strider reveals much about.
  • 1999-2002 Becomes increasingly involved in providing information and services to the Cryptopoly, although Strider doesn't go into a lot of detail he does say it included working with occult groups for Ms McNamara, but that he didn't yet know the Truth. If pressed he says that he "provided services such as research on various topics and occasionally acquiring items on behalf of Ms McNamara."


  • 2002 Awakened, and joins Silver Ladder as an acolyte of the Lighthouse.
  • 2003-2005 Early apprenticeship, assisting Harp, Agent Shrike, and the Silver Ladder. Strider continues his involvement in the Cryptopoly.
  • 2006 Tragedy strikes and a younger acolytes, Harmony is killed, but Strider survives and is cleared of any wrongdoing. Strider leaves his apprenticeship with Harp and strikes off on his own, disappearing while the other students of the Lighthouse, Agent Shrike and Cuffs, form the Lawkeepers cabal.
  • 2007 Strider returns to Awakened society, but keeps at a distance from the Lighthouse.
  • 2008-2009 Strider continues to build his Cryptopoly network and assist others, sharing assets with other Silver Ladder mages (including Harp, but only through the network, and never directly).


  • 2010 It becomes known that Strider has joined the Reality Stalkers and gained the first attainment. He master is Lamia, a reclusive Mastigos solitaire, currently of the Silver Ladder but formerly of the Mysterium, who is occasionally seen in Brisbane.
  • 2011-2012 Strider networks with other mages and cabals, using the assets of the Cryptopoly to pass information on to contacts such as Watchlight (and Ardent Compass) and (Sean's character).

Please contact me if you think you would have got information from Strider in your background at some point, and we can work something out.

Recent events


Floods have a way of covering up things, but they can also uncover things better left hidden. In the wake of the 2011 floods, Strider received reports through his network of some strange happenings in western Brisbane, possibly something revealed by the water that had remained hidden since the Gaslighters had dealt with it in 1890s.

Strider passed the information on to Watchlight, as he has done many times in the past, who was then able to arrange an investigation, discover the history of the site, and find a spirit that had been released and taken over a local gang leader and preparing to sacrifice some hostages on the site. After Strider did a bit more investigation to find the gang's current whereabouts, Watchlight and some other mages were able to confront and defeat them, rescue the hostages, and then heal the possessed person, driving the spirit from them.


Strider learnt through his contacts about a number of disappearances and assaults around the Treasury Casino, culminating in a death which the police were trying to keep quiet due to some occult aspects. Not being able to find much more out through scrying, but confirming with his contacts that it was a "monster", Strider contacted Smithy and filled him in on the situation, knowing he worked with a few other mages who might be able to look into the situation.

It can be difficult for Strider to work out what Smithy might go for, and sometimes the answer comes back as “not interested” (which tends to frustrate Strider), however in this case Smithy agreed to look into it.

Smithy led a group of other mages staking out the area each night. It wasn't long before they found a supernaturally enhanced high roller (possibly something related to the Death arcana, with a paleness to their aura) who was taking some recent losses rather personally. Even with their magic and enhanced guns, it took quite a bit to take the big guy down.


  • ?


Quotes by

Quotes about



  • Had run ins with the law when he was a teenager and has a police record.
  • Is actually the heir to a massive fortune.
  • Has contacts throughout the Silver Ladder Cryptopoly and spies on everybody.
  • Killed the other acolyte, Harmony, and the Silver Ladder covered it up.
  • Is actually a servant of the Abyss.
  • Has ties with the Italian mafia.
  • Is secretly a member of the Lawkeepers cabal.
  • Is secretly a member of the Ardent Compass cabal.

Inspirations and Soundtrack

  • The Matrix
  • Men in Black
  • Jumper

OOC Info

Member Information
Player: Sly Gryphon
Number: AU 2013010009 (9861-132)
Domain: Brisbane

  • Still a work in progress (until the chronicle starts)