Category:Archived-Mastigos (Awakening)

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XV The Devil

“Warlocks on the Path of Scourging
Scions of the Watchtower of the Iron Gauntlet in the Realm of Pandemonium, Kingdom of Nightmares and Abode of Demons”

The Mastigos, or Warlocks as they are sometimes called, are those Awakened who gain their magical power from the realm of Pandemonium, the realm of demons, nightmares, and punishment. Mastigos have a reputation for being deceptive, manipulative, and evil, and in some cases, this reputation is fully deserved. However, many Warlocks take great pains to remain on the path of virtue and many more are as difficult to categorise as simply good or evil as anyone else. Many Mastigos believe that they function in a Darwinian role, exposing the weaknesses of their fellow mages, that these mages may then improve themselves. This sounds callous to outsiders, but during the quest for ascension, any weaknesses unknown to the mage may be exploited by their enemies, so it is best to expose and remove as many of one's weaknesses as possible.

Ruling Arcana: Mind, Space

Inferior Arcanum: Matter

Mastigos across Australia

Character Order Legacy Group Domain
Archived-Aeshma Archived-Silver Ladder Archived-The Balanced Hand Perth
Archived-Ascelpius Archived-Silver Ladder Brisbane
Archived-Cuffs Archived-Guardians of the Veil Votaries of the Ordained Archived-Archons Brisbane
Archived-Duncan Archived-Free Council Brisbane
Archived-Fus Archived-Adamantine Arrow Archived-Ardent Compass Brisbane
Archived-Harbinger Archived-Adamantine Arrow Archived-The Balanced Hand Perth
Archived-Helenus Arlington Archived-Silver Ladder Perth
Archived-Hermes Archived-Free Council Adelaide
Archived-Icarus Archived-Adamantine Arrow Subtle Ones Armidale
Archived-Innocent Archived-Apostate Perth
Archived-I. P. Smith Archived-Guardians of the Veil Sydney
Archived-Mr Krip Archived-Guardians of the Veil Armidale
Archived-Old Nick Archived-Silver Ladder Perth
Archived-Operator Archived-Free Council Blank Badges Infinite Thought Perth
Archived-Siyah Archived-Mysterium Brisbane
Archived-Spike Archived-Mysterium Perth
Archived-Strider Archived-Silver Ladder Reality Stalkers Archons Brisbane
Archived-The Director Archived-Free Council Subtle Ones Perth
Archived-Trip Perth
Archived-Xiao Archived-Apostate ?
Archived-Mephi Archived-Adamantine Arrow Adelaide
Archived-Annex Archived-Guardians of the Veil Armidale

Deceased, Departed or Missing

The following members have deceased, departed, missing or otherwise not in play.

Character Order Legacy Group Domain Reason
Character Order Legacy Group Domain Reason not in play
Character Order Legacy Group Domain Reason not in play
Character Order Legacy Group Domain Reason not in play


The following Legacies are available to Mastigos mages:

  • Brotherhood of the Demon Wind (Time) - Descended from a man who is claimed to have spoken with the ghost of a true dragon, the Brotherhood is devoted to mastering the secret that the dragon taught their founder; the power of the onikaze, the demon wind. They are expert at stepping along the boundaries of space and time, and are practically impossible to best in blade-to-blade combat by virtue of their incredible unpredictability.
  • Reality Stalkers (Space) - The Reality Stalkers are mages who focus on bending and warping space and perception. A common use for their powers is to acquire lost or heavily protected items of use; however, the Stalkers are also devoted to studying the cracks in reality which their powers exploit, for some believe that within these cracks lie ancient secrets, powerful Artefacts, and even a physical bridge to the Supernal Realms. (The Mysterium p.173).
  • Subtle Ones (Mind) - The Subtle Ones attempt to influence society from behind the scenes. They gain the power to influence the minds of people, alter their auras, or travel unnoticed, all while attempting to change society according to a preconceived pattern.

Please refer to the Addendum for playability and approvals.

Pages in category "Archived-Mastigos (Awakening)"

The following 6 pages are in this category, out of 6 total.