Pyre's Truth

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" dear friend, let none of the poets tell us that, 'The gods, taking the disguise of strangers from other lands, walk up and down cities in all sorts of forms' and let no one slander Proteus and Thetis, neither let any one, either in tragedy or in any other kind of poetry, introduce Here disguised in the likeness of a priestess asking an alms 'for the life-giving daughters of Inachus the river of Argos', let us have no more lies of that sort.

Neither must we have mothers under the influence of the poets scaring their children with a bad version of these myths telling how certain gods, as they say, 'Go about by night in the likeness of so many strangers and in divers forms', but let them take heed lest they make cowards of their children, and at the same time speak blasphemy against the gods." - Plato, Republic II.

Known Members


An all Mysterium Cabal, Pyre's Truth was first noticed by other Perth Mages not long after the Consilium of the Golden Quill was founded. However their Banner sigil has not been hung in the Consilium's Halls nor has their Emblem sigil been stamped upon the Lex Magica of the Consilium.

In spite of this they are known to have roused to life one of the most powerful Hallows in Perth and passed it to the control of the Consilium via Hierarch Cassandra. This was done in accordance with the Consilium's Law regarding Hallows. It appears there was a misunderstanding between Pyre's Truth and the Consilium around the restitution they were offered in exchange for their extensive research, locating and awakening of the Lover's Hallow in King's Park. Whether anything comes of that misunderstanding remains to be seen.


  • Creed:

Their creed is not known to the public at large at this time.

  • Known Duties:

Duties of other members are not known to the public at large at this time.

  • Directed Protocols:

It is known that Pyre's Truth adhere to the Great Rights of Crossing, Sanctuary and Hospitality. Nothing is known of their Lesser Analogues.

  • Interdicts & Addendums:

Nothing is known of their Interdicts or Lesser Analogues.



Feel free to contact the players if you have ooc questions regarding the creation of Pyre's Truth. All the material here comes from either IC chronicle material or the Sanctum and Sigil source book. Sanctum and Sigil has a great amount of detail and advice for creating a cabal.