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Revision as of 07:18, 1 June 2016

Quick Fang
Seeming: Beast
Kith: Archived-Hunter Heart
Court: Winter Court
City: Armidale
Title: None
Entitlement: None
Group: None
Player: Kat
Storyteller: Armidale VST
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Personal Information


Mask: They are very androgenous, they appear to be in their early twenties. He has spikey white grey hair and appears to have a set of faux fur and plastic ears pokeing out of it. Her clothing is rough and threadbear and it is obvious they have been wearing them for a while dirt clings to his face and arms. Her eyes are a deep Russet surrounded by dark black bags, a thick silver looking chain encircles her throat. He seems like the kind of homeless person you sould find in any large city complete with backpack and beggin bowl, but there is a sense of danger even in the way they stand.

Mien: A mix of male and female traits it is hard to tell what gender they actually are, appearing to be in their late twenties to earlie thirties. She has short silvery grey hair from which protrudes a tattered set of ears always pointed and alert but torn and missing parts. His eyes are red as blood and pointed canines can be seen whenever he speaks. The clothing and weapons are made from natural materials (Fur, leather, wood and bone). Scars can be seen across their arms, chest and neck covered somewhat by the dirt that covers their body. A dog chain hangs from her throat, the only modern peice of clothing he carries is a backpack in which he carries all his possesions. Their is an animalistic feel to the way they talk, move and even stand, a brutality that can almost be felt.

Mantle: Almost unnoticable unless you are paying attention, but there is a ... chill which seems to linger and whether this is due to the mantle or just his unusual behaviour its hard to tell.


To the world in general he presents a fierce but silent figure, an analytic mind sits behind those red eyes, cold and calculating they will always find and suggest the most direct route and the most straight forward course of action. He is Inherrently distrustful of others who he deams to be "outside the pack" and true friendships are few and far bettween. This often results in them seeming incredibly calous, they do not suffer fools lightly and are quick to put down what they deem a "foolish plan". She is deterimned and will not falter once given a task until that task is done a couragous and brave hunter, and consumate survior more then once they have vanished on a hunt been written off for dead only to return leading the pack and with the quarries head in hand.

To those few he counts as "friends and pack" he is incredibly loyal, She has a soft spot for children and will go above and beyond to protect them and help in any way. Aloof around those he does not know and intensly curious they have an eye on everythign that happens around them.

Mortal World

A strange kid, seen on the streets of large cities. They always seem to have a dog with them but it never seems to be the same one. The other homeless know not to bther him he fights tooth and nail,and if you take soemthign from him you better be ready for the street dogs to hate you even your own pup might turn against you. There is something wrong with that kid but she never sticks around anywhere long enough to get into actual trouble.

Information Known by Lost Society

She shows up every now and them a lone wolf, she will do the jobs no one else wants to do for a bed and a meal. You think He has no morals, no shame, no desire expect to survive ... but then you see the way he looks at the kids, and thats not the look of a wild dog.


  • 1970 - Details
  • 1980 - Details
  • 1990 - Details
  • 2000 - Details
  • 2010 - Details
  • 2013 - Details



Recent History


  • JUN - Details
  • JUL - Details
  • AUG - Details
  • SEP - Details
  • OCT - Details
  • NOV - Details
  • DEC - Details


Quotes By

"I'm not here to deal with your politics, just tell me what needs doing and I'll do it...ok?"

Quotes About

Whoever, and why.


"Another quote."
Whoever and whoever, doing something.


  • A loyalist at heart it would sell its own mother for a hunt, probably has.

Inspirations and Soundtrack




"Nothing's more hateful than failing to protect the one you love" - Brienne of Tarth

OOC Information

This character is a eunuch having been castrated durin his durance. He does not speak about it and will go by any pronoun.

Member Information
Player: Kat
Number: 2013090005
Domain: Armidale