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:: '''[[Vilhelmiina]]''', after Eira tried to turn the wolf Vilhelmiina gave her into a vegetarian and the wolf becoming ill.
:: '''[[Vilhelmiina]]''', after Eira tried to turn the wolf Vilhelmiina gave her into a vegetarian and the wolf becoming ill.
:''"The piyagaq came and spoke to me of the hunt - as if I had not spent more than ten times her life hunting. Spoke of wind as if I had not felt its bitter rush against my face a thousand times before, both here and in the endless winter desert. Spoke of blood as if I had not had my own fill. As if I had not drunk the life out of '''Nujalik''' herself! Spoke of family as if they had not given me nothing but isolation and hunger... If she speaks to me about any of these things again and she’ll find more than her ankle torn out."''
:''"The piyagaq came and spoke to me of the hunt - as if I had not spent more than ten times her life hunting. Spoke of wind as if I had not felt its bitter rush against my face a thousand times before, both here and in the endless winter desert. Spoke of blood as if I had not had my own fill. As if I had not drunk the life out of '''Nujalik''' herself! Spoke of family as if they had not given me nothing but isolation and hunger... If she speaks to me about any of these things again she’ll find more than her ankle torn out."''
:: '''[[Kohana]]''' after meeting her at Conclave.
:: '''[[Kohana]]''' after meeting her at Conclave.

Revision as of 03:08, 9 October 2014

Eira Banner.jpg

Template:PC Summary Requiem

Eira Sketch.jpg


Eira (pronounced air-ah) is a light of humanity among the Valdyr, holding strong against the Beast - though not without cost. She's a lowly neonate who has a thousand times more sway in mortal society than in Kindred, and tends to come off as more of an annoyance to those outside of her family, then anyone with any substantial influence.

Apparent Age: 19
Concept: Mistress of the Longhouse
Faction: Collectivists

Notable Traits

  • Striking Looks ••••
  • Fame • (Businesswoman)


Blonde hair, blue eyes, and sweet looks - along with classy, well-cared for blonde hair that wafts thickly around her head. Eira tends to keep to dress very, very conservatively, never showing much skin or cleavage, though her wardrobe in that regard varies between comfortable, warm sweaters to elegant cocktail numbers.


Eira has a sweet personality, though she occasionally comes across as a bit desperate to please. Along with being rather eager and willing to help, she's also rather optimistic, often to a fault. The smile's backed up by a sharp mind and an iron determination, though, and the combination of charm, intelligence and willpower has served her well in building up her business empire.

Mortal World

Most of the mortal world doesn't particularly know her, but her face and name is vaguely familiar. Operating under her mortal identity, Molly Bairre, she maintains a large portfolio of various investments, properties, and employees for the family, managing everything from a group of political lobbyist to a charitable religious organization to a private health care company - and then some.

There's also a few gossip articles about her, gossiping about nocturnal habits and religious faith; one of the most recent covers her showing up to a high society function completely drunk.

Hadegi International

This information is listed OOC, for the reference of STs. Hadegi International is a huge corporation based in Brisbane; it originally started as a business sub-contracting under the Federal Government, but has expanded rapidly over the last five years, becoming one of the fastest-growing businesses in Australia.

Shelter of Faith

Shelter of Faith is a non-for-profit organization publicly supported by Hadegi as a major charity. It offers support to the Archdiocese of Brisbane and the churches under it, along with creating significant support to Brisbane's homeless.

Information Known by Kindred Society

Eira's got a lot of stories going on about her. She narrowly avoiding a breach of the Masquerade while she was released, and has successfully annoyed quite a few members of the Court - including her erstwhile Prince whom she was so devoted to, until recently. Even her family frowns at how soft-hearted and overly attached to her Humanity she is, and some members of the Court opinions with opinions a lot more disapproving.

That said, there's no denying that she's starting to learn; she's making less waves than she did upon her release. She's just got to make sure she can keep that up.


  • 2008
    • Embraced. Violently.
    • Quickly placed in the vital role of rehabilitating her Sire, while receiving instruction from him.
    • Starts managing his assets - before discovering the treasure trove of resources the family hold.
    • Hadegi, a private enterprise contracting under the state government, is founded.
    • Is discovered by Lupo, and told about the Lance.
  • 2009
    • Attends first formal Court of Brisbane.
    • Meets with Lothar for the first time.
      • Rejects Mentorship.
    • Begins studying at the University of Queensland, part-time.
    • Acknowledged as a member of Clan Gangrel.
    • Formally announces her interest in the Carthians, while rejecting sponsorship into the Lancea Sanctum.
  • 2010
    • Starts to become active within her Covenant. Very, very active.
    • During the Federal Election, meets with federal representatives and helps break the stalemate with the help of Triple Threat.
      • Rumors abound that an Invictus plot was foiled in the process.
      • Batavia sends an angry letter to Rasmus, stating her displeasure at the supposed 'bait'.
Hadegi Logo.png
  • 2011
    • Hadegi begins to grow, becoming a significant corporation in Brisbane, backed by her allies and resources among the Carthians and Valdyr.
      • Eira starts stepping back from the company to focus on studying medicine and handling the organization of the Carthians.
        • Mortal members of the Valdyr family are employed to manage most aspects of the business.
      • Plans for Hadegi Watchtower, a building in the middle of Brisbane's CBD, are submitted to City Hall and approved.
        • When finished, it'll be the tallest building in Australia. Some architects have also observed that the structure seems to have the capability to be built far taller...
    • Formal combat training amongst House Valdyr commences.
      • The infamous 'one-shot torpor' incident occurs.
    • Publicly uses her influence to solve a problem facing Doubting Thomas, making the size of her powerbase within Brisbane very clear.
      • Gets paid a Minor Boon for it, too!
  • 2012
    • With the assistance of her fellow Carthians, starts getting work performed on the 'Frenzy Gun'.
      • Tests do not bear fruit. The prototype is placed in storage.
    • The ground for Hadegi Watchtower is broken.
    • Finally becomes a subject of the Cacophony's gossip.
    • Receives the gift of a wolf retainer from Vilhemiina.
  • 2013
    • Hadegi has grown to be a massive conglomerate within Brisbane: a web of highly successful companies, though all with a sterling public reputation.
      • It gains mention in TIME as one of the fastest-growing companies in Australia.
        • There's rumors that it'll reach the Fortune 1000 soon.
      • Pointing to her success, Court gossip starts whispering that she'll soon be released from Rasmus' tutelage.
    • Hadegi Watchtower has finished most of the foundation and even started on the first floor.
      • At its current rate of construction, it'll be finished in late 2016.
    • A national interview with the 'private and driven' Molly Bairre is published, highlighting her dedication to her 'socially conscious business growth'.

Recent History

  • JUN - Accompanies her Sire to Court; narrowly avoids a nasty incident.
  • JUL - Again accompanies Rasmus to Court, quietly working by his side.
  • AUG - Released by her Sire.
    • Tries to talk with, and reach
  • SEP - Serves Tybalt as Secretary pro tempore for a Court gathering and Conclave.
    • Is caught up in an altercation outside a gathering, and fails to prevent his political slaughter by Czernobog.
  • OCT - Loses an election, and a lot more, besides.
  • NOV - Deals with the hospital's fallout, and gains the wisdom of Odin.
    • Tries to save some mortals from the Lance's Grand Ballo.
  • DEC - Heads back to family for Christmas.
  • JAN - Starts trying to fight for herself.
    • Gets sliced up by Vilhelmiina for her efforts.
    • Tries to make Tybalt reconsider Daisy's execution location. Fails.
  • FEB - Lifts her political game quite a bit...
    • Rescues two members of her Clan in Toowoomba.
  • MAR - Visits Toowoomba. Learns about sacrifice.
    • Finds Rasmus, her Sire torpid; comes dangerously close to losing herself to frenzy.
    • Lays a political smackdown on Marcel. Walks away feeling very dirty.
  • APR - Assists in eliminating a breach of the Masquerade with Lothar.
    • Makes the first proper 'contact' with her Beast.
  • MAY - Attends an Invictus hunt with her family. Has a very enjoyable time.
    • Becomes Whip of the Gangrel.
    • Rasmus is put into torpor by Tybalt.
  • JUN - Starts attempting to build a better reputation in the city.
    • Coterie become very, very close in Toowoomba.
    • Carthian experiment is re-examined.
    • Vilhelmiina betrays the family. Eira puts her charms to good use.
  • JUL - Hosts Court gathering for the first time.
    • Wears 'the Christmas Outfit'.
    • Tries to help Tybalt. Fails.
  • AUG - The Praxis battle begins.
    • Supports Tybalt for Prince.
    • Is finally Recognized in the city once more.
    • Discovers that she's a vitae addict.
  • SEP - Praxis battle ends; Lothar is Prince.
    • Driven into torpor by were-snakes and rogue Gangrel.
    • Reconnects with her cousin, Morrigan.
    • Vitae addiction gets out of control.
    • Put back into torpor by family.
  • OCT - The Conclave
    • Tries to keep herself together at Conclave.
    • Becomes Covenant Head.



Known Sire

Eira's relationship with her Sire is, at least on her end, absolutely devoted - a genuine, caring warmth that some have mistaken for the Vinculum. It's all the more surprising considering the events that led to her Embrace - a subject of quiet shame for him, but one she's seemingly forgiven him for. In fact, she seems to have pulled Rasmus from the depths of his Beast, helping him as best as she can while learning at his side.

Known Relatives

Despite clawing out Eira's stomach after a heated argument between the two, the pair's relationship has slowly begun to rebuild. Slowly, mind you.
While Eira tries her best to get Adrian to open up, it hasn't worked - he is, however, responsible for finally managing to instill her with a small amount of combat skill and fitness, helping her find her strengths.
They've met occasionally, and when Aksel heard of her medical skills, she was contacted in the hopes she'd be able to assist his recovery.
With Eira's significant interest in medicine - though admittedly more in the field of mental health - it's not surprising that her and Charlotte get along splendidly. She's worked at Toowomba Hospital with Charlotte along with receiving a great deal of tutelage from her.

Known Childer

Eira has no known Childer, and has stated her lack of desire to grant the Embrace.

Known Mentors

There was a time when the faithful Catholic found about the dark religion of the Kindred, learning about it without telling her family. For whatever reason, she turned her back on it shortly after.
Henry is the Carthian responsible for honing Eira's natural business instinct. While it's rare to have friends in the Danse Macarbe, the two seem to get on splendidly, and work very, very well together.


Quotes By

"Helicopters and guns are one thing, but there is no way I'm learning to use those things!"
- A near-frenzied Eira, when being taught claws.
"We're family. And family means nobody gets left behind, or forgotten.
- Eira speaking on the importance of family, in Toowoomba.
"Being a firebrand sucks, sometimes."
- An observation made during a challenge for the Brisbane Praxis.
"I think it was cowardice, Joey. I think I was too scared to pull the trigger. And I don't want to be."
- Text to Joey Johnson, after the 2014 Conclave.

Quotes About

"She is young, and she is learning. So I forgive her from time to time."
Vilrec Langlifr
"For me? Oh, Rasmus, you shouldn't have. Though I generally prefer my morsels to have a little more fight in them...
And I know a baited hook when I see one."
Batavia, to herself, upon Eira's ill-advised visit to Canberra in 2010.
"She has eternity to learn to kill, to maim, to harm. To slowly give over to the madness that forces the beast to carnage; this will happen. For now, she needs to have the clarity that comes with peace or our line will destroy itself."
Rasmus Armfelt
"Eira did it!"
Dr. Delilah Drake, when The Doctor Whos were brought before Tybalt.
"Alright, guys. How do we help our little sister?"
Abraham Dowsland to the Carthians, upon Eira's breach of the Masquerade.
"She's beginning to irritate me."
Lothar after having his conversation interrupted again.
"How does it feel, chum, knowing that you're floating face-down in a pool of sharks?"
Tobias Mol after a meeting at the recent Conclave.
"Listen to me carefully, niece. We are Valdyr. We are the Brood of Fenris, the great wolf who will slay Odin at the end of the world. We are warriors, every single one of us. I do not care if you intend to stay behind the front lines during moments of violence, and I do not care whether you intend to become a marksman or not. Frankly I think that you would be ill suited to such a role and would not have permitted you to stay in my platoon when I was a mortal sergeant. But understand this: I will not tolerate spiritual weakness in a family of warriors. You may never lift a gun outside of my firing range but if you lack the killer instinct to point that rifle at me and, without hesitation or remorse, put a bullet through my chest before I do the same to you then how do you expect to survive as a business leader? The Valdyr rely on you to ensure that we have resources, the most important aspect of war and survival, and doing that means ensuring your business is relentlessly successful. Understand that doing that means harming others, sometimes even ruining lives. If you can't show us that you have the killer instinct to do that here, where you know you're barely going to scratch me, then how can I trust you to do your part for the family in board rooms and business meetings when it's real? Now grab that rifle, and try again."
Adrian Dansk, lecturing Eira during an early training exercise.
"Seems I owe you my skin little one, for that I thank you, it would have been uncomfortable to look like burnt toast till the end days."
Aksel Vinter, to Eira at the family gathering after awakening from Torpor.
"Never, ever go to another city without my express permission. You came within an inch of death and caused me no small amount of embarrassment. Do not think that simply because you are weak I will not discipline you."
Rasmus Armfelt, after Eira returned from Canberra
"Wolves are predators, child, they do not like to be hand fed. They are noble animals who hunt without remorse for their prey. You'd be wise to learn that before you start trying to turn the child of my wolves into a vegetarian."
Vilhelmiina, after Eira tried to turn the wolf Vilhelmiina gave her into a vegetarian and the wolf becoming ill.
"The piyagaq came and spoke to me of the hunt - as if I had not spent more than ten times her life hunting. Spoke of wind as if I had not felt its bitter rush against my face a thousand times before, both here and in the endless winter desert. Spoke of blood as if I had not had my own fill. As if I had not drunk the life out of Nujalik herself! Spoke of family as if they had not given me nothing but isolation and hunger... If she speaks to me about any of these things again she’ll find more than her ankle torn out."
Kohana after meeting her at Conclave.


"Alright, uh, pack howl!"
"You don't tell people you're about to howl, childe. You do it - and everyone joins in."
Vilrec instructs Eira on the more subtle arts of being Valdyr.
"No, it's more like ee-ra."
"I thought it was ay-rah."
"Which is it?"
"... Now I don't even know any more."
The Valdyr quiz Eira on her name's pronunciation.
"Maybe the tale of Fenris and the moon isn't about gods; maybe it's about you and I. Maybe it's talking about a hungry wolf that wants to consume the light of the moon, raging at it and snapping its jaws as it strains to get closer. And then, one day, it'll finally manage to swallow it whole, so that there's no light left. That's our personal Ragnarok - eternal darkness, and a raging beast."
"Your humanity becomes you, Eira. I just hope it doesn't get you killed one day."
Eira and Adrian, talking in Toowoomba.
"I'd love to contribute my opinion, your Majesty, but I fear that as a member of the Court who's merely Acknowledged, my word would be considered worthless in these proceedi-"
"Oh, shut up and tell me what happened."
Eira and Tybalt.
"Warriors of old were said to get visions of their ancestors driving them to battle."
"I don't know if I like the thought of that."
"It happens to the leaders and heroes of our lineage - those dreams are a blessing. Are you afraid of us going to war?"
"Very much so, Sire."
Eira and Rasmus.


  • While her hold on her Beast is like iron, and near-unshakeable, the sight of claws is still enough to put her at risk of the Rötschreck.
  • Undoubtedly one of Rasmus' greatest disappointments.
    • Seriously. A stiff breeze could put her into torpor, and she fights like her arms are made of wet cardboard.
  • Her businesses runs most of the above-ground, charitable services for the government of Brisbane, or lend assistance for a low price - her areas of influence range healthcare, the church to universities and homeless aid.
  • Knows the Ordo Dracul secrets necessary to stay awake during daylight.
  • Her current goal is to build the tallest building in the world, and she's always looking for investors.
  • Has the first Boon she ever earned - a minor, from Doubting Thomas, framed and on display in her office.
    • Speaking of Boons - the reason she owes a bunch to her family? It's so nobody will kill her for fear of inheriting a debt.
  • There's a big bet going on between her and an Elder of the Invictus.
    • Stupid bet, too.

Inspirations and Soundtrack

"I think that we’re all in our private traps, clamped in them, and none of us can ever get out. We scratch and we claw, but only at the air, only at each other, and for all of it, we never budge an inch."
"Sometimes, we deliberately step into those traps."
"I was born into mine. I don’t mind it anymore."
"Oh, but you should. You should mind it."
  • Wings by Little Mix, covered by Jessica Sanchez
    • Mama told me not to waste my life: she said spread your wings my little butterfly!
  • I Just Can't Wait To Be King by Elton John, covered by Suburban Legends
    • Everybody look left! Everybody look right! Everywhere you look, I'm... standing in the spotlight!
  • Monster by Skillet - for Lothar.
    • It's scratching on the walls, in the closet, in the halls. It comes awake, and I can't control it. Hiding under the bed, in my body, in my head - why won't somebody come and save me from this?
  • Pacific Rim, by Ramin Djawandi (feat. Tom Morello) - Before Battles.



  1. Acknowledged upon her release on the 31 August, 2013.
  2. Recognized on anniversary of her release, 30 August, 2014.


  1. Acknowledged as a member of the Carthian Movement within Brisbane.
  2. Recognized for her dedication to the ideals of the Movement and service to them.
  3. Valued for service as Myrmidon and assistance rendered to the Movement, 22 February 2014.


  1. Acknowledged as a member of Clan Gangrel.
  2. Recognized for continued service to her Clan, 15 February 2014.

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Charlie Kay
Number: 2012040010
Domain: Brisbane