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The following Midnight Mass takes place during the month of November 2013, and was presided of by Bishop Lupo

For the complete liturgy of the mass, please refer to Midnight Mass - Canberra Rite

First Reading

The Rule of Golgotha, Chapter two.

“...Our Damnation is but one part of God's plan. It is perfect, eternal and pre-destined. For this reason we must pay close attention to what we have heard, so that each one of us may recognize his own part in the divine purpose. We must keep faith at all times in the all-encompassing rightness of God's plan and the part which Longinus came to play in it. We can be assured that what we believe is true and right, for the Angel Vahishtael was sent to guide Longinus in his new-found wisdom. We can know that the unlife we lead is Sanctified, for we have seen miracles with our own eyes and felt the presence of divinity in our predation.”

Second Reading

The Book of the Eschaton, Chapter three, starting from verse one to verse eleven.

“He turned and pointed. I saw illuminated at the bottom of the pit a far-off city that looked strange to me, for it was made of towers of glass and silver, and I saw it fall into ruin, and I saw black locusts swarm over the building. Amoniel motioned again, and I was in the city, and shrieking things like birds or bats grew and swarmed through the broken glass of the city towers. The city was full of bones, and the sky was black, for the sun was black, and I said, “How can this happen?”

Amoniel said, “It is the ordained end of all things, as God has decided in his plan.” And I looked again, and I saw the souls of the righteous swept away in light that blinded, and people weeping in the streets, and the black locusts everywhere, and as I watched, I saw that the black locusts were the Sanctified, in robes of charnel black. They swarmed through bloody streets of rubble, and pounced upon the living and drank their fill, and they drank with abandon and joy, and they sang praises to God for ending all things and making them the tools of His judgment. Their voices rose to the sky and the black sun sand back.”

The Homily

The All-Encompassing Plan.

Before I begin the Homily, I want to take this opportunity to clear up a matter. Some of you may be hearing rumours and gossip regarding a member of our Parish and activities in another city. Specifically, regarding our brother Raymond. I want to be clear, that Raymond continues to stand as a faithful member of our Parish, and a fellow servant of our divine purpose.

Our divine purpose. Our predestined function. God’s all-encompassing plan.

The words don’t do it justice. The enormity of the concept demands that we take a moment to sit and reflect.

(a moment of silence)

God’s plan is perfect. It doesn’t jar, it doesn’t fall down because someone doesn’t fill the role, or an interruption takes place. God sees all, and knows all. Everything that happens, happens according to a design.

God’s plan is eternal. It doesn’t have a used by date, it doesn’t have a best before. It doesn’t have a mid-chapter break. It was in place before the oldest of us were even alive, and will be in effect long after the end of this world.

The Dark Messiah Longinus saw part of this plan, in the revelation of the Eschaton. The second reading paints you a picture, of the night of judgement. This chapel, that our brothers and sisters have laboured so hard for, will be swept aside. The palaces of the so called mighty will be torn down. The libraries of the so called wise will be incinerated. The fields of pagan worship will be drowned in the blood of the sinner and caked in the ash of those that did not accept their purpose. All that will be left, is the Sanctified.

We, the faithful, the servants of the almighty, the disciples of the Centurion, we will be the instruments of God.

When God is with us, who can stand against us.

We should not become complacent, for we must understand and discern our part to play. God predestined our damnation not for our blind obedience like some Zombie. He chose you. He chose for your cunning, your determination, your intellect, your appearance, your habits, your desires, your sin. He chose you, to seek him out. He chose the Dark Prophet Longinus to guide us. He chose St Monachus to teach us. He chose the Dark Apostles to demonstrate to us. He chose the 100 martyrs to protect us. He chose me to talk to you. He chose you, to carry out his will.

His all-encompassing will.

Finally, let me be clear. God’s purpose for our damnation is not limited to standing behind this pulpit and speaking the words of his Prophet. His purpose is not limited to hearing the confessions of a Sanctified that has fallen short. His purpose is not limited to advising those of the most prudent course of action. God chose us, because we are predators.

If we are required to support a fellow Sanctified in their purpose, then we shall do so with our full measure. If we are required to take more drastic measures to ensure that the purpose of God’s holy damnation is carried out, then we will do so with the full abandon that only a predator in the search for their prey can do.

Nothing, no one, and nowhere, is outside the providence of God’s perfect plan. And we are his servants.

For we are the Grandeur.

We are Sanctified.


A Prayer of Clarity of Faith
God, who by the holy blood of the Christ made clear the vision of the Centurion, grant to us clarity of vision that we may see and accept our place in your almighty plan.


A Prayer of Stability in Times of Crisis
Lord, ruler of Heaven and Earth, in these times of change and danger. When the ground moves beneath our feet and the storm swirls above our heads. Protect us from the dangers, provide to us the opportunities, and grant us the wisdom to recognize which is which. For in all things, we do your holy work, and bring your righteous judgement.


A Prayer of Ecumenism
Almighty God, we your servants ask for your guidance. Our road is long, our burdens large and our task mighty. Yet you chose us to carry out your work. Help us be your instruments in this world. Help us stand together against the sinner and the heretic. Show us your perfect plan, that we may feast upon the wicked.
