Magnus Arlington

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Template:PC Summary Awakening

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Drowned by Romulus.
Then joined Mysterium

Concept: Classics Lecturer/Loner
Inspiration(s): Dexter
Nimbus: A dark circular shadow appears at Magnus' feet, growing outwards, shadow Creatures/abominations made of animal parts and humanoid crawl outwards from the black circle, only to be pulled back towards Magnus digging their hands into the floor to stop them from being dragged back towards Magnus


  • It all begins with heroes and villains..

Which am I? Most days I don’t know.

My name is Magnus, I come from a family that doesn’t want for much. My family is big. It’s a bit complicated. I love my family.

Am I a product of my family? Or I am I different? What is it I am meant to do? I seek to understand the path laid before me to seek the signs of the oracles in things lost and forgotten.

The line between understanding the power of the atlanteans and wielding it is a fine one. Similar to the lines between heroes and villains.

  • "Rom, you know how he gets at parties - do you really want your brother to spend the entire evening sitting in the corner muttering into the pages of his book rather than enjoying having his family around him?" - Alemonia Arlington, discussing arrangements for Magnus' leaving party


Magnus belongs to the Arlington Family

Romulus Arlington
Remus Arlington
Cassandra Arlington
Helenus Arlington
Artemis Arlington
Apollo Arlington
Alemonia Arlington
Magnus Arlington

Awakened Family members -


  • ...Really, really hates pool parties.
  • ...For all his weedy looking appearance, he managed to throw an antique grandfather clock at his brother when some of his books mysteriously wound up in the pool
  • ...

OOC Info:
Brad Hardwicke
BTS Number:
ST: Braddles