Armidale Mage

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Seeker7 Acting Hierarch until a new one has been voted in. Obsessed with/talking the previous Hierarch, Helena, who is missing presumed dead. Seeker7 is an awakened hacker that uses magic to connect to various systems, break the encryption, and seize control. His obsessive nature makes him both a good and terrible Hierarch, depending on the situation.

Carter The warden of the previous concillium and, currently, the only known survivor. Known to be a master of life (and either death or spirit, depending on who you ask), she was rescued from an Abyssal labyrinth inside a mirror. She claims to have seen half of the other mages slowly descend into madness and death inside the labyrinth, and is appears rather unhinged by her experience. Whereabouts are currently unknown.

Carter's Familliar, AKA Sam, AKA That weird cat bastard thing A cat-human shapechanger who claims to be unkillable - demonstrating the ability to die, leaving behind the corpse of a mundane cat. Has demonstrated sorcerous abilities with a 'dark magic' paradigm. Cutting people with a flick knife is his preferred method of attack, always preferring to hurt the victim rather than kill them. Has been revealed as a murderer using time/death magic - though the reasons for this deed/identity of the deceased have not been investigated. Last seen making a deal with most of the concillium mages - release of a mage-hostage in return for access to the Astral Mirror - a portal to the human subconscious.