Archived-Murdoch Tyron

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Template:PC Summary Requiem

Sire: Tobias Mol

Bloodline: Corajoso

Notable Traits: Vitae Addict, extremely controlled

Titles: Master, Priscus

Approval Numbers: VTR1305-005 (Bloodline)

50x50pxInformation Known by Kindred SocietyInvictus.jpg

  • Spent many years avoiding as many Kindred as possible
  • Existed for some time outside of the court system, eventually he joined under forced servitude rather than be destroyed
  • Has a decent amount of mortal contacts and some skill at Ventrue mind control
  • Normal amount of humanity for a young Ancilla
  • Carries a book with him to every court


  • 1912: Born in Cobar, a backwater town in NSW.
  • 1930: Leaves Cobar to find fortune.
  • 1930 - 1935: Travels Australia, he does not find his fortune.
  • 1935: Embraced, flees the country after the distaste shown by Tobias Mol.
  • 1935 - 1978: Traveling around the world.
    • 1946: Portugal incident. Murdoch rarely mentions it.
  • 1978: Returns to Australia, taking residence in Sydney.
  • 1984: Caught poaching in Sydney, sentenced to be the court taster and Unaligned for thirty years by Ferdinand Wolfe.
  • 1995: Continues his previous services under the new Prince.

Recent History


  • June - Murdoch was present at the death of the bloodhunted Henry Douglas at the hands of the Scourge, discovering in the process a potential group of hunters. The sheriff was eventually informed, once he finished up his own difficulties. A large number of boons were moved, for a great variety of reasons.
  • July - Started his clan testing quest of the courts officers, with a few Russian difficulties here and there.
  • August - Managed the bets on behalf of the Scourge on the nights footie game, then foolishly asked the Governor if there was a replacement for the missing seneschal. Now drafted into the role, he spent the rest of the night running back on forth on endless errands, eventually being rewarded with standing for his efforts, to his awkward surprise.
  • September - Initially slow going, as many of the court combated the efforts first of a Spider Monster, then the traitorous efforts of Bernard Estrada. Later in the evening he was instructed to conduct blood tests on all members of the city, which he began to do quite vigorously. In the midst of these efforts, he replaced Jericho as Sheriff, then was a surprisingly loud voice in a tumultuous Ventrue meeting. Mandatory blood testing was instituted by the Governor, a task that Murdoch was quick to get started on.
  • October - A gathering defined by the tests of former Governor Bush, Murdoch was a minimal participant, carrying on as normal with his blood testing and questions.
Murdoch, February 2014
  • November - Was on hand to defend the Court against a small strike by Hunters. Following it up led to some explosions and deaths, but the Masquerade appeared to stay intact.
  • December - Sits quietly as Sawyer seizes Praxis. Does not attempt to hold onto the post of sheriff.


  • January - Murdoch quietly does not argue his loss of the Sheriff position, quickly jumping into the new organised "portfolio" system of City service. Towards the end of the evening,as Tobias Mol was arguing with Yegor Zadorozhny, Murdoch represents the Ventrue in the Prisci meeting. His sire promptly lost status from the harpy shortly after.
  • February - Murdoch disappeared for the month, and thus was not around for the demise of Sawyer.
  • March - Reappearing, it became evident that Murdoch had been forced into torpor by Hunters. After a long night of Brood infiltrators being revealed and killed/torpored, including his brother Jack Wolfe, he moved away from the city having served his thirty year sentence. He received acknowledgement in Canberra and begun the process of joining the Invictus.
  • April - Politicing heavily in his new city, Murdoch seizes Ventrue Priscus in anticipation of a back room Priscis deal to aid a Praxis seizure. No Praxis seizure eventuates.
  • May - Given the position of Seneschal under Lady Daywalt and supports her in the following Praxis attempt. For his efforts he was known as Valued within the city. Later in the evening when members of the city broke out into violence through luck and Dominate he escaped from Satan's Spawn, fleeing the scene with Isaac Winter, who would return to take the Praxis.


House Pendragon

Template:House Pendragon Lineage


Quotes By

"I will endeavor to be as un-Jericho like as possible"
-Speaking on his Predecessor upon his rise to Sheriff of Sydney in 2013

"If you would please step into the room with me, are you familiar with this process? Allow me to explain...."
-His favourite mantra....

"Ever been to torpor against your will? No? Avoid it. your head....and stuff gets a little fuzzy..."
-After a forced convalesce

Quotes About

"I don't believe I've ever heard of the Kindred you speak of. Yes, we've met, what is your point?"
- Marquis Aurialanus

"You've got a problem, right here. This shouldn't have happened, but it has. You're a mistake. You're worse than a purulent bitch in heat. Now, get out of my sight. You disgust me. And don't come back."
- Tobias Mol

"I don't care if he is the childe of Tobias Mol, he was warned and needs to pay the price for his crime. While he is in service to the Court his crime is ignored, we should assume he will fulfil his service. Should he work out his term, he has a clean slate, I will not consider the alternative."
- Ferdinand Wolfe after sentencing Murdoch Tyron to three decades of service to the Court.

"Pitiable. Mr Hobbes likes them that way".
- Mr Hobbes

"Took me about two months to work through the list of people who shat on me before I got necked. I figure since he got turned, Murdoch's got a list by now that'll take two or three millennia to work through properly. It'll be fucking gold when he starts shitting down your throats."
- Anthony Desmond


Signature Song: Lose Yourself by Eminem

For Others

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: JAB
Number: 2005120006
Domain: Canberra