Armidale Requiem Themes

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Revision as of 18:07, 14 August 2014 by Cwhite.player (talk | contribs)
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Themes will change over the course of the story as it unfolds and a also reliant on the players, so have been separated into two measures that will change as the game progresses. Themes and Mood can be voted on by the player base via LINK, and players will be awarded prestige for the feedback. The top three themes in each measure as voted by the player base each month will be presented here so that players locally an abroad may get a sense of the Themes of our game.

Player Themes

Player themes are what the players believe the themes expressed by the general player base to be and the most recent summary of how the players feel the game is thematically. These as of 16/08/2014 are:

Plot Themes

Plot themes are what the story is meant to portray, and while driven by the Storyteller and less changeable, are still subject to interpretation by the players as it progresses. These as of 16/08/2014 are: