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Wraith-The Oblivion.png

The unmappable network of chambers, rooms, tunnels, pits, chimneys and flues that run throughout, underneath and around the Tempest is collectively called the Labyrinth. It is a nightmare of passageways where the walls cry out in pain, Spectres can materialise from any surface and the way you just travelled looks different upon retracing your steps. The Doomslayers, wraiths experienced in taking the fight to the Spectres, are some of the few wraiths that can voluntarily enter the Labyrinth with any assurance of returning.

At the heart of the Labyrinth lies the Maw of Oblivion, supposedly a wellsink into annihilation itself. Within the Labyrinth the pull of "down" is a palpable sensation; Doomslayers say it is the attraction of the Maw, drawing in everything towards its rapacious entropy.

The Labyrinth is also where the Shadow drops the Psyche for its sadistic games it employs during Harrowings; the games are deadly serious for they can erode a wraiths ties to their Fetters, their Passions or even abrade their very corpus with permanent wounds. The only escape from the Labyrinth in times such as this is to end the game, either as victor or vanquished; then the Shadow will desposit the hapless Psyche back where it found it.

Underworld: | Shadowlands | Tempest | Labyrinth | Nihils | Wraith