August Fisher

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August Fisher
Seeming: Beast
Kith: Archived-Hunterheart
Court: Courtless Court --
City: Armidale
Title: none
Entitlement: none
Group: none
Player: Kat
Storyteller: Armidale VST

Personal Information


Mask: Long dark brown hair and a fadded scar running over the right eye. Eyes are golden. tends to where black with brown combat boots.

Mien: Dog-like ears, and tail. Appendages covered hair colored fur. pointed canines and nails.



  • cautious: she has seen whats out there and is still uncertain of who to trust
  • conflicted: she wants to fight but fears a return to the animalistic lifestyle experiencce in her imprisonment
  • loyal: it takes a lot to break her trust in you once it has been gained
  • protective: she hates to see others hurt and if she knows you she will offer what protection she can give
  • lonely: she is used to the company of others even if they hate her guts. the pack was the one constant in her imprisionment and she seeks to find a similar life in this new world.
  • curious: she wants to find out as much as she can about where she came from, her life before the fea.
  • a hunter: she loves the chase, the fight less so but the chase is what she lives for, or lived for she gets those two confused sometimes.
  • persistant: she is not one to give up when the going gets tough
  • Fierce: she fights hard and does not give up
  • Scared: She fears she is losing herself, each fight drawing her closer to teh edge closer to oblivion.

Mortal World

the mortals know very little about her she is one of the homeless in toowoomba who move about like the wind and can sometimes be seen camping in the backstreets and under the bridges of the city. the homeless she spends her time with know little more she moves with them but camps separately. she seems quite successful at finding food and will share any extra she has collected with any who ask her. sneaking up on her is a bad idea.

she is a good singer and managed to raise money enough to get of the streets, shes a kind soul, think she has some illness though there was definately something wrong with her eyes.

Information Known by Lost Society

very little, her voice gives her origins as the old country of scotland. her shape tells of her seeming beyond that... well you might as well ask her she dosen't bite ... hard.


  • 1940 - Born in Scotland
  • 1952 - taken to arcadia


She was taken from her family home along with her younger brother and sister (possibly due to a contract mad by her father). she made her own bargins and contracts in order to survive and from there became the property of her keeper. at first she was a hunting dog latter she became the hound of a more vicious man who forced her and her brethren to fight in a pit.


she isn't sure how she escaped, only that she fought back against her captor landing some blows after having a dream of her family once again whole and together in the field behind her family home. in truth she forght her keeper and was eventually knocked unconcious bleeding heavily from a wound across her face the keeper decided that she was dead anyway and disposed of her waking in the grave yard amongst the corpses of many others she ran and eventually made her way to the outskirts of the hedge where she was carried to fredom and into the fold of the toowoomba freehold.

Recent History

meeting with the members of the toowoomba freehold she learnt many things about the life of a changling. She slipped through the cracks however and spent the following month living in squallar along side the homeless men and wemon of toowoomba. She learnt that her skills in huinting persisted and kept a low profile until the next meeting.


  • JAN - speaks with anew changling "gorge" in an atempt to locate more allies and information.
- speaks to the Erebus, before being snatched away by the summer monarch
- Met Fin and Zhenya Poslavska
- begins recruitment into summer
- arangments are made for her to travel south to Armidale
  • FEB - figured out in the interveneing month that some people will pay money to hear her sing, goodbye bridge hello dodgy motel
-learnt about brewing and the wizened brewers
-learnt that she not a terrible shot with a bow
-went hunting for hedge fruit
-learnt about "nude fruit","hungry grass" and a strange type of vine/tenticle tree with sensory fungus(?)which seems dangerous
-learnt that the other wolf changling in toowoomba is setting up somesort of fight club at the uni, may be a place to practise.
- heard something about a hedge fight between zhenya(here after the white b**ch) and one of summer lost of toowoomba
- suspects the toowoomba changling won but is slightly unsure as
-got royally drunk and slept it off in the hollow
  • MAR- traveled south to armidale
- signed the guest pledge for the theatre of changing seasons
- went hunting with the rest of the freehold
- assisted in the distruction of a dead raven covered bomb before being overwhelmed by gas and passing out
- assisted in freeing "frank" a smiling clone from the cells in the building
- meraculously escaped unharmed
- returned to the freehold where she relised Durain was missing, suggested going to look for him
  • APR - went on another hunt this time for Odins Fetch
- got hit with shrapnal, sticks and poison and was healed by Alice
- stabbed the fetch in the guts and felt no remorse (derangement)
-(not much else so far as i remember)
  • MAY - S***t went down
- threatened a mage ferret of some sort who entered the court unbound and without the member who she assumes went to fetch him.
- scored at least a glancing blow on odin, before getting hit with some sort of spell and retreating with the rest though it did not sit well with her
- goes to hospital and insults a nurse who does not seem to be what she at first appears.
- escapes the hospital and decideds to spend the rest of the month securing her hollow just incase odin or the ferret come looking for revenge.
  • JUN - Details
  • JUL - Details
  • AUG - Details
  • SEP - Details
  • OCT - Details
  • NOV - Details
  • DEC - Details


Quotes about


Inspirations and Soundtrack

  • Alone Together by Fall out boy
  • She Wolf by David Guetta
  • Werewolf mythology
  • Come little children by Edgar Allen Poe
  • Old Scottish Folk and Bar songs

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Kat
Number: AU2013090005
Domain: Armidale