Clans (Masquerade)

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Classic WoD: | Vampire: The Masquerade | Clans (Masquerade) | Sects | Coteries

"Thou shall only Sire another with the permission of thine Elder.
If thou createst another without thine Elder’s leave, both thou and thy Progeny shall be slain"
-The Third Tradition: The Progeny

The way Clans function varies. Some are closely knit, almost fraternal organizations with distinct agendas and focused hierarchies. Others are little more than a predilection toward certain Disciplines and an exploitable flaw in the blood. Ultimately, what Clan means to each vampire is unique, and some Kindred may be very proud of their Clan while others don’t give it much thought. Ultimately, though, each Clan tends towards certain common behaviours, perceptions, or roles in Kindred society.

Camarilla Clans


Once philosopher-kings of an ancient civilization, but are now rebels and rogues with a fearsome inclination toward frenzy


Bestial and untamed, often coming to resemble the animals over which they demonstrate mastery


A Clan fractured by madness, each member irrevocably suffering under the yoke of insanity


Hideously disfigured by the Embrace, so they keep to the sewers shadows and traffic in the secrets they collect.


Enjoy every sensual pleasure the world has to offer, idolizing physical beauty and the adoration of their thralls


Wield the supernatural power of their sorcerous past, though they became vampires through treachery and artifice


Observe the noblesse oblige of vampire society, though their entitlement and greed encourages them to seek ever more at the expense of others


No inherent Clan society, support, or even characteristics; they are like orphans among the great families of vampires

Camarilla Clan Heads

The current clan-heads in Australia are:

Sabbat Clans


Proud nobles who command the very essence of darkness and shadow — to the point of worshiping it, some say


Eldritch Old World lords who have little in common with the mortal world and can manipulate flesh and bone at a whim

Independent Clans


Silent masters of assassination, killing for hire and collecting blood for rituals to bring them closer to their progenitor

Followers of Set

Venerate a chthonic God while seeking out the world’s secret places and protecting ancient artifacts


An insular family of vampires who practice the art of commanding the dead while commanding global finances, as they have since the Renaissance


Nomads and tricksters who can force the mind to see what isn’t there, though they are slaves to the vices they indulge in

Masquerade Bloodlines


Even monsters have their bogeymen, and Kindred are no exception. The Baali are one such power

Blood Brothers

Sabbat shock troops, created by Tremere and Tzimisce sorcerers in order for the Sword of Caine to have loyal soldiers that can still pass for human

Daughters of Cacophany

Base their unlives on song. The Sirens (as they are called in Kindred circles) are all singers, and the bloodline has always been predominantly female


Odd quasi-Kindred often looking like their stone namesakes — rocky-skinned, ugly, winged creatures that exist only to serve their Tremere masters

Harbinger of Skulls

Alleged to all be elders, frighteningly powerful, and emerged from the mists of the past to throw their lot in with the Sabbat


Independent, and focused more on their studies than on the causes of the Sword of Caine


Hunted to near extinction in the modern nights by political enemies and the ghosts upon whom they prey, the flesh-eating witches are feared by Kindred on all sides of the Jyhad


once a true Clan, rumour has it that only seven members of the once-respected line exist at any given time


Resembling nothing so much as walking, rotting corpses, these odd vampires take their name from the Caribbean and the religion of vodoun

True Brujah

This strange bloodline claim that Brujah’s childe, Troile, committed diablerie upon him and stole control of the Clan.