Victor Creed

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Victor Creed
Sect: The Camarilla
Clan: Nosferatu (Masquerade)
City: Brisbane
Pack/Coterie: Coterie Tradition Enforcers
Title: Keeper of old Elysium/Primogen of clan Nosferatu
Sire: ?
Lineage: ?
Embraced: 2002
Generation: 14
Player: Rob
Storyteller: Brisbane VST
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Personal Information

Victor beleives the masquarade is the most important of the traditions. After seeing breaches during the anarch/cam war he decided to sell his services to clean up breaches. Whether its cleaning a crime scene, silencing a witness or information he'll sell his services to anyone.


A cleaner by trade, he is most often seen wearing work clothes. His skin peals and his eyes have an unnatural colour to them.


Victor isn't always confident in social situations. Give him a job and he'll get it done the best it can be. When in mortal society uses obfuscate to create a different face everytime.

Mortal World

Started a commercial cleaning business in the late 70's, the business expanded into crime scene clean ups in the early 90s. After his embrace he withdrew from mortal society using the excuse of traveling the world and health problems. In the last few years he has made a comeback to his business, taking silent partner role, and doing cleaning jobs again.

Information Known by Kindred Society

As an anarch he was active during the war in the 80's and early 90's making raids against the camarilla. He took joy in targeting the ex-baron who he felt betrayed by. After peace was declared he sold his services to either anarch or camarilla vampires. Since joining the Camarilla he has worked at enforcing the traditions. Currently he is trying to renovate the Old Elysium before the conclave.


  • 1978 - Becomes an anarch ghoul
  • 1982 - Attends the failed peace talks with Camarilla. Starts fighting in the war.
  • 1992 - Attends the peace talks.
  • 2003 - Embraced
  • 2007 - Iadro convinces Victor to defect. Joins tradition enforcers.
  • 20?? - Becomes Keeper of the Old Elysium

Recent History


  • JUL - Renews personal alliance with anarchs, only to investigate their destruction. Scouts the southside to investigate the sabbat's advance.
  • AUG - Secures feeding grounds.
  • SEP - Details
  • OCT - Details
  • NOV - Fell gravely ill from the ghouled/mutated worms
  • DEC - Cured from the worms, with the help of the spiders. Ordered by the senechal Mr Stone to evict the spiders. Was hindered by members of the court and assaulted by Aaron Fontaine (clan head of the brujah)


  • Feb - Receives formal apology from Aaron and Teddy over Dec's breach. Negotiates a deal with Gangrel for them to feed in Bowen Hills
  • March - Helps negotiate a deal with unaligned kindred within the city, with Iadro, Teddy, and whole of Clan Nos.
  • June - boon bound to claim praxis, boon bound to leave the city as not to cause any problems. Claim fails.


Known Sire

  • Missing, believed killed in sabbat attack

Known Siblings

  • none that Victor knows about

Known Childer

  • none

Known Grand-childer

  • none


Quotes By

"Quote" - reference

Quotes About

"Quote" - reference


"Quote" - reference


  • Victor seems to have an association with Kate Horton, the supposed "Prince of the South", one should be watchful of those with loyalties divided between two domains.
  • A little Gangrel told me that Victor is dangerously close to wassail.
  • Victor was the little known 4th member of the Tradition Enforcers. Where Iadro Orsini was "the Beauty", Dr. Karl Montgomery was "the Brains", and Theodore Donowitz was "the Brawn", Victor was known as "the Shadow".

Inspirations and Soundtrack



  • Acknowledged in Brisbane
  • Honourable Given on account of being Keeper of elysium
  • Esteemed Given for covering up the masquerade breaches of the sabbat by Prince Iadro
  • Loyal Given By Tyrell (clan head of Nos)
  • Insightful by Prince Karl for directing the response to Sabbat incursions

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Rob
Number: 2012000901
Domain: brisbane