Karl Montgomery

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Template:PC Summary Masquerade 3

Personal Information


Scrawny man, appears to be mid 20's. Glasses, smart casual dress.


Dr. Karl is very well spoken, rarely raising his voice, though he will often talk in short sentences when angered. To the outside eye, Dr. Karl doesn't even seem insane.

Mortal World

Dr. Karl Montgomery works at UQ as a Professor of Psychology, he has the backing of the Board for his experiments.

Information Known by Kindred Society


Dr. Montgomery Mayne was embraced by his sire in preparation for the opening of UQ in Brisbane. His Sire had secured a place on the board while it was still in the preliminary planning stages. Montgomery studied Psychology at Yale. After he finished his degree, his realised the great potential in Montgomery and ghouled Montgomery for a few years before embracing him not long after moving to Brisbane to take up his new job. Using his Sire's influence, Montgomery also gained a research job at UQ and has been working there for over 100 years now. He changed his alias in 1970 to Dr. Henry Trewsam.

Recent History

2010 - Changed identity to Dr. Karl Montgomery, forging the necessary paperwork etc.



  • June: Claimed praxis of Brisbane


  • Liam Harrison (NPC)
    • Karl Montgomery
      • Betty
      • Emily Mortimer
      • Louise "Nanny" White
        • Travis Church
      • Dr. Alice Petibourne
      • Varn (Adopted)
      • Gretchen Di Val
    • Smiles (NPC)
  • Camilla Sutton (NPC)

Known Sire

Liam Harrison moved to Brisbane in 1907 with his ghoul, Montgomery Mayne. In 1908 he joined the Court and in 1909 was given the Rite Of Creation and embraced Montgomery Mayne. In 1916, Liam Harrison withdrew from Court and questioning of Montgomery just lead to the conclusion that he had left the country.

Known Siblings

NOTE: This is OOC knowledge unless you have been told otherwise
Smiles - Karl's broodmate who diablerised his sire and has been hunting him since. A member of the Sabbat.

Known Childer

  • Emily Mortimer
  • Dr Alice Petibourne - Former Anarch, now reformed Camarilla member. Karl still hasn't completely forgiven her for joining the Anarch's. Sentenced to fight against the Sabbat for her crimes against the court.
  • Louise "Nanny" White - Karl's favourite. Mainly due to the fact that Louise never joined the Anarch's.
  • Gretchen Di Val - Karl's mortal niece.
  • Betty - Karl's latest embrace. Childmind who's family was killed by the Sabbat

Known Grand-childer

Travis Church

Known Associations


Iadro Orsini - His Prince, his coterie mate and his friend. Iadro and Karl have known each other for a very long time, Karl has been a guiding wisdom for Iadro in the past.
Teddy - Teddy is the closest thing Karl has to a friend. , Teddy is the muscle to Karl's intelligence. They have recently convinced a number of neonates to form a coterie with the purpose of taking the fight to the Sabbat.




Quotes By

Quotes About

"He was a psychologist before being embraced. Do not even try to tussle with his mind, and NEVER break into his thoughts. You wont make it out again."
- Iadro Orsini, cautioning a neonate on the Malkavian Primogen's abilities.



  • Is actually a Ventrue infiltrator
    • He has a family idiot, and they are obviously Malkavian
      • Forgetful Mind. Obviously
  • Is actually a Tremere infiltrator
    • He knows no blood magic.
      • That we know of.

Inspirations and Soundtrack



  1. Acknowledged by a previous Prince in Brisbane.
  2. Ancillae by way of age.


OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Nick Wittman
Number: 2011070005
Domain: Brisbane