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Elsa Von Liechtenstein
Sect: The Camarilla ••••• •
Clan: Ventrue (Masquerade) --
City: Canberra --
Sire: Armand LeBlanc
Lineage: House Vandal
Embraced: 1501
Generation: 9th
Player: Jayde Cassells
Storyteller: Canberra VST


Elsa appears to be only 17 or 18 but is in fact 26. She has blonde hair, and blue eyes.


Mortal World

Personal Information - Before Embrace

Information Known by Kindred Society


  • 1501 to 1550, Lichtenstein (Holy Roman Empire)
  • 1550 to 1600, Austria (Holy Roman Empire) (embraces her first childer)
  • 1600 to 1646, France (Holy Roman Empire) (embraces her second childer)
  • 1646 to 1650, Monaco
  • 1650 to 1700, Margraviate of Brandenburg / Prussia
  • 1700 to 1750, Russia
  • 1750 to 1760, Finland
  • 1760 to 1770, Sweden
  • 1770 to 1780, Norway
  • 1780 to 1790, Denmark
  • 1790 to 1800, Netherlands
  • 1800 to 1806, Belgium (Holy Roman Empire)
  • 1806 to 1850, Belgium (Now Independent)
  • 1850 to 1900, Spain
  • 1900 to 1950, Croatia (Embraces her third childer)
  • 1900 - 1918 is under the rule of the Austrian/Hungarian empire
  • 1918 - 1941 Croatia broke away from the Austrian/Hungarian empire and became Yugoslavia
  • 1941 - 1950 Yugoslavia becomes Croatia again
  • 1950 to 2000, Switzerland (Embraces her fourth childer)
  • 2000 to 2014 Germany
  • 2014 to now, Australia, Canberra

Elsa's personal Creed

"Prior est origine, proxime autem et secundum substantiam"

{Linage comes first, wealth comes a close second}


Known Sire

Known Siblings


  • 1550 - Austria - Gladious.
  • 1645 - France - Jean-Francois Repentigny
  • 1900 - Croatia - Angel.
  • 1960 - Switzerland - Alex.


Quotes By

"There's Gladius, then Angel, then the one in Brisbane, then the other one." Elsa listing her childer

Quotes About

"Forget all you once knew. Forget that you were human, forget that you were a woman, forget that the night is fearsome and the light is safe. You are now Kindred, you are now Ventrue. Remember that with pride, and with gravitas. For we are not like the others, we have a higher purpose."
- Armand LeBlanc
“She seems, by all appearances, to be an upstanding choice of childe… yet first, lets us see if we cannot install some... redundancies... to quell the fires and passions of youth.”
- Gunderic the Vandal to Armand LeBlancArmand LeBlanc after first meeting Elsa
"Think twice before crossing my Sire, young one, a more formidable Ancilla I do not know."
- Gladius von Lichtenstein
- Derek Scantlebury acknowledging his position within the Camarilla.
"She arrives in the city and becomes Senseschal within a few short months. Then her brood join her in the city, 1..2..3, how many more to come? Before her there were no Ventrue in Canberra. A person would be forgiven for thinking that she may just be making a play for the throne"
- Meg St.John
"The Snow Queen is not one to disobey lightly, young one."
- Kaalia

"I don't know who she is but I don't like her...and I like everyone..."
- Ian Darro after their first meeting

"She seems ambitious and in need of allies. Clan Tremere is ever ready to assist the ambitions of our friends..."
- Heinrich Schnieder


La Belle Dame d'Lumiere - "I do hope your Sire keeps you far from his Grandsire. The man's violence is legendary, and you are precisely the type of lady he is most fond of pursuing."
Elsa - "I bumped into Elder Gundric, in Monaco."
La Belle Dame d'Lumiere - "Really? Of course you did. And I'm sure you remember he was the perfect gentleman, and perhaps also something disparaging about me and my family, don't you?"
Elsa - "he was perfect, but I hope never to see him again."
La Belle Dame d'Lumiere - "And why is that?"
Elsa - "He scared me."
Elsa - "You scare me."


La Belle Dame d'Lumiere - "I hold no ill will against you for what your sire did to you, or what he makes you do."
Elsa - "Pardon me M'Lady but I do not find this amusing. He has not made me do anything for nearly 150 years."
La Belle Dame d'Lumiere - "And pray tell what orders were those?"
Elsa(furious) - "None of your business, M'Lady"
La Belle Dame d'Lumiere - "Come now my dear, I meant no offence. Your sire - and your line - are not known for allowing young ladies to spurn their attentions. You sparked my curiosity - you think it improper that I might want a taste of why he came back for you?"
Elsa - "Fine, if you must know..."
La Belle Dame d'Lumiere - "I am not insisting, Elsa. I was far more interested in your willingness to fight back than I am in knowing what he forced you to do."
Elsa - "He was aware that I knew of you, and was fairly close to you and your house. After training me, he wanted me to become your "friend" and report back to him."
La Belle Dame d'Lumiere (Laughs) - "...He thinks I have friends?" She looks Elsa dead in the eye, unblinking, "Would you like to be my friend?"

Armand LeBlanc "So, do we have a plan?"
Elsa "yes, of course we do" turns to look at Gladius "so, whats the plan?"

Kaalia "She's your daughter?"
Elsa "Yes."
Kaalia "But she's a Tremere..."
Elsa "I know. She's my daughter from before."
Kaalia "Oh... So why isn't she a Ventrue?"


  • encouraging people to call her Gundric II.
  • something happened between Elsa and La Belle Dame d'Lumiere.
    • Something indeed...did you see the way she was hanging off the Elder in Brisbane?
  • Does not like being called "Sugar Tits".
    • But maybe... maybe she does and just doesn't want to admit it?
  • was seen with blood dripping off her gloves
  • has been a bit strange since the Sydney Conclave
    • Might have something to do with the spider incident.

Inspirations and Soundtrack


Influential (Given by Armand LeBlanc, the Ventrue clan head.)
Favoured (Given by Dr Karl Montgomery, Prince of Brisbane)



  • Major to Goksel
  • Major to Goksel
  • Minor to Goksel
  • Minor to Victor


OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Jayde Cassells
Number: 2008060003
Domain: Canberra