Marcus Grimm

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Marcus Grimm

General Information

Sire - Drake 'The Broker'
Bloodline - Unknown to the Kindred Society
Title - Knight Thresh of the Order of the Scythe
Nicknames - 'The Broken' (as known by the family), 'The Confused' (as known by everyone else)
Coteries/Societies - House Grimm, Order of the Scythe

Personal Information


Marcus tends to favour the darker colours of the spectrum, aiming for those that are in the range of blacks and greys. Currently his attire consists of a black/grey shirt, dark jeans, black shoes/boots, dark grey flak jacket, and a dark coat. His personal appearance is pale, almost gaunt skin, glasses, blond hair that has browned over the years, sharp green eyes, and a small beard.


Before the attack that killed his Scottish siblings, Marcus was an easy going, somewhat jokey member of House Grimm. Since then, whilst he still has that mentality, deep down, his paranoia and anger take precedence, however he does try to keep a handle upon his emotions, lest they interfere with his hunt. Because of that, he initially comes off as intense to most.

Mortal World

Marcus keeps himself up to date with technology and modern fashion trends (mostly through sites such as tumblr and Instagram), both as a method of surveillance and as a means of updating his clothing options so as to continue remaining inconspicuous. This has also bitten him on the ass a number of times as Sakura, whom helps Marcus train, tends to dominate him into going all fan-girl over a series he strongly dislikes if he ever annoys her too much.

Information Known by Kindred Society


1935 - 2000's

1935 – Marcus is born to Vincent and Thelma Sim in Scotland.
1962 – Marcus enlists with the army as a code breaker against the Soviet Union.
1965 – After completing basic training, and displaying his talents with codes, Marcus is sent to aid the Americans in Vietnam.
1970 – Marcus is sent home to his family after a mental breakdown in the field, upon returning home he meets Drake who, after various other run ins throughout the month, embraces Marcus.
1982 – Whilst Drake is away, Marcus and his siblings living in Scotland are attacked by Hunters, with Marcus being the remaining survivor. Due to previous mental instability, Drake’s lax teaching on other species’ knowledge of the Masquerade, and the loss of his family, Marcus mistakenly believes that it was a specific Bloodline of Gangrels going by the name Corrassian.
1983 – Marcus begins his hunt for the Corrassian Gangrels, he continuously sends reports to Drake about his efforts, whereabouts, victims, and any information he’s gathered during his hunt.
1989 – Whilst hunting, Marcus witnesses the fall of the Berlin Wall.
1993 – After a hunt goes bad, Marcus is saved by James Price, and thus owes him a major boon in return.
1993 - Sometime after the bad hunt, Corrassians have strong ties with Draugr.
1994-2000 – Marcus’ travels take him across the globe, yet due to his focus being on the Corrassians, he doesn’t remember much of that time.

2000’s - Current

2013 – Marcus finds himself living in Australia.
2014 – Drake and Sakura decide to move the family to Australia after reports from some of their childer (including Marcus) living there about the state of the court and country.
2014 – Upon hearing that the family is arriving, Marcus helps prepare a suitable home.
2014 – Utilising vampiric contacts (one of whom is Marcus) Drake and Sakura discover that the territory for the Mekhet is Milton and get their retainers to organise a suitable Haven.
2014 – Using the family’s expansive resources Drake and Sakura buy a 10 story ex government building in Milton, changing the ground level into an upper class dance club and restaurant called "The Trees Hollow" and extensively renovating it to be sophisticated and modern.
2014 – Marcus and fellow Drake childer Azazel set up a number of security systems throughout “The Trees Hollow” and some of the surrounding area, with all feeds leading to a massive station on one of the accommodation floors, which Marcus uses as his main hub, along with certain feeds being first run through a ‘public’ security office.


The members of House Grimm


Known Sire

Drake ‘The Broker’

Known Siblings

Lena Grimm
Azazel Grimm


Quotes By Marcus

“Tha Darkness Sees All Yer Secrets”

Marcus’ version of House Grimm’s motto

“I’ve born witness ta an act one should ne’er bare. Keep askin’ ‘bout me name or me hunt, an’ I shall introduce ye ta me hell…”

when asked why Marcus calls himself ‘The Broken’/hunts Corrassians

Enemy: “You’re insane!”
Marcus: “Aye, an’ ye be a wanker, so I guess that be makin’ us right e’en then!”

“E'eryone, tha strippers're all Kindred, I think they be workin' for tha Diablorist. They hav'nae noticed that I'm onta 'em yet, which is good, but Marius also seems ta 'ave pick'd up on it as well; he's distractin' 'em from where ye are, and seems ta dealin' wit' at least three o' 'em at once! Now I know why ye and Drake have such respect fer tha guy Sakura.”

Marcus to members of the family during an incident in Florence

Quotes About Marcus

* “Whatever you do… DO NOT! EVER! Look at his book…”

- Neonates who met Marcus’ knife

* "I don't care what he said, he is my childer, nothing is going to happen to him.....and if it does, just remember about that little secret he knows about you and those he didn't tell me, I found out as well...Listen the moral of the story is if you fuck with House Grimm, you won't just suffer a normal death. We will release all your secrets to everyone you wouldn't want to know them and then sit back and make bets on how long you will survive."

- Drake to Emilo the Prince of the Florence Court

* "Drake! Could you kindly deal with your childer? Or am I going have to whack him with my blades? I've had it with his craziness, if you don't deal with him I'm going to have to teach him a lesson and he wont like it. He will survive, but he won't ever forget the pain."

-Sakura to Drake about Marcus's crazyness in public


Is claimed to be Drake Grimm’s ghoul, or possibly a Changeling
That if there are any secrets within the city, he knows the exact details of them
That he never sleeps, merely stares at his computer screens
There was a strange one floating around a while back about having pissed off something akin to a goddess once, by stealing some of said goddess’ ice-cream

Inspirations and Soundtrack

Marco and Rachel - Animorphs by K.A. Applegate
Slow in Reverse – The Keep
Teeth & Nails – Thesis
Woe is Me - Double Lined Minority


Major boon owed by Marcus to James Price for aid during an incident involving Gangrels (1993).

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Alexander J. Vardabasso
Number: 2012040013
Domain: Brisbane