Penitent Legion

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Penitent Legion.png
Silent Legion

Comprising the victims of Madness
Deathmarks: Stained with blood, representing the debt that the Penitent owe all wraiths. At least the hands are stained a mottled purple, the more infractions against society the wraith incurs the staining progresses up the arms to the face, chest and torso.

By Their Own Minds

Membership in the Penitent Legion

Those wraiths who died to Madness, whether they committed suicide or were killed by the insane, are officially members of the Penitent Legion, as well as the obvious mad men and women who die in asylums or in a hail of law enforcement bullets. There are frequent disagreements amongst reapers; the suicides are claimed by the Silent Legion, those killed by the mad are often claimed by the Grim Legion. the Penitent Legion reapers are known to aggressively pursue their rightful harvest, using what tactics come to hand.

Military Corps

The Penitent Legion divides its troops into Corps, each with a specific role to play in any conflict.

The Storm of Night

The Skirmisher Corps, their role is first contact with opposing forces, sewing chaos and confusion within the advance ranks of the enemy.

The Wall of Skulls

The Phalanx Corps are the heavy combatants who engage the main body of the enemy force and keep them busy. Heavily armed and armoured, they are a bizarre philosophical descendent of the ancient Greek Hoplite Phalanx.

The Razor's Song

The Beast Corps consists of elements of six, five Barghests and their handler. When the Wall of Skulls has engaged the enemy's centre, the Razor's Song use Flicker to appear to the rear of the enemy force and disrupt their formations with fearsome strikes.

The Tide of Horror

The Flesh Corps members are hideous monstrosities fashioned with Moliate and Soulforging to create huge abominations made up of hundreds of wraiths. Their tactics are similar to the use of elephants in ancient armies and with similar challenges when the beasts run amok in their own lines.

The Cacophony of Death

The Machine Corps comprises huge hollow machines, called Juggernauts, fashioned using Soul forging. Resembling the land leviathans known as Tanks in World War I, save these have spears, scythes and rams equipped. Powered by soulfire crystals they carry enormous hitting power and their ends are just as fiery.

Special Orders

  • Storm Maidens