Archived-Father Constantin

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Father Constantin

Template:PC Summary Requiem


Sire: Unknown

Bloodline: Unknown

Notable Traits: His appearance of a pious monk belies the power of his presence when riled. Often found near when conflict is about to erupt, Father Constantin has a remarkable skill in turning such occasions aside.

Titles: Master of Elysium

Coteries/Societies: None

Information Known by Kindred Society

The Master of Elysium is the eyes and ears of the Prince while the Kindred are gathered in court. Although recently come to Armidale, in terms of Kindred logevity, Father Constantin has proven his wisdom on a number of occasions while settling disputes, and strangely enough, he has demonstrated remarkable compassion for a kindred, often found having a few quiet words with those who have undergone a traumatic experience.


  • 1946- Father Constantin arrives in Armidale, following the soldiers who were lucky enough to return home after the Second World War
  • 1947- Father Constantin makes his first appearance at court, no-one knows what prompts this though speculation says an encounter with the Scourge.
  • 1955- Has become an avid attendant of the weekly late night mass in the Eastern Orthodox Cathedral.
  • 1960- Starts attending the local Black Mass.
  • 1972- Is present at the cremation of the still living Alec Corwin
  • 1980- Conducted his first night service in the Eastern Orthodox Cathedral, kine and kindred alike were invited.

Recent History


Known Childer


Known Grand-childer



Quotes By

"If my aid or presence has eased the requiem of a fellow kindred, then I have done my duty to my Lord this night."

Quotes About

"The aged monk is a courteous and hospitable host. It is my hope to reciprocate such charity in the future." - Esteban Cortes, 1955.



Father Constantin has been known to offer sanctuary to those in dire need, the catch is, there are rules that must be followed, and it is by prior invitation only.

Inspirations and Soundtrack



  1. Given by Character on date for details.
  2. Given by Character on date for details.
  3. Given by Character on date for details.


  1. Given by Character on date for details.
  2. Given by Character on date for details.
  3. Given by Character on date for details.


  1. Given by Character on date for details.
  2. Given by Character on date for details.
  3. Given by Character on date for details.


OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Beau Grace
Number: 2010050001
Domain: Armidale