Adelaide News Stories

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OOC: These news stories are published in various news outlets - TV, Radio, Newspaper etc. If your character does not subscribe to any of these things because they're a hermit or so ancient that these things are still very new to them, then disregard these news stories.

These news stories are entirely fictional and are written for entertainment purposes.

Last updated: 01/03/16

Woman Crushed Queuing For Bleeding Stones The Adelaide City Council and State Government have issued a joint message asking for people to be considerate of each other and have posted a permanent medical presence at Adelaide's "Bleeding Stones" after a young woman was trampled by the crowd. Reports indicate the Beauford teen had been queueing up for several hours and collapsed and fell underfoot of the crowd. 'Helpful' members of the crowd dragged her forward as close to the Bleeding Stones as police officers would allow in the belief that the 'blood' from the stones - as yet unidentified - would heal her. When police refused to let the crowd to the stone, violence ensued. Police officers defended themselves with pepper spray and riot shields until paramedics could rush the lady to hospital. Despite the best efforts of emergency services, the lady died from internal bleeding.

Social Media Buzz Against Synthblood Social media sites like MyFace and SpaceBook are buzzing with rumours that Synthblood causes disease. Fake motivational posters and other meme-based material is implying that not only is the product not good for users, but is actually causing harm.

Pool Win A pool of six staff form the same company have all retired today after confirming substantial winnings in a lotto draw. The group is keeping details to themselves but if the prize money is split evenly, each one will giving their two weeks notice and pocketing a cool two million dollars.

Synthblood Support In the middle of a backlash against Synthblood, the medical and financial heads of Adelaide's four largest hospitals have stood together to defend the continued use of the product. DR Pavani Danter gave a short presentation at a press conference highlighting that Synthblood had zero chance of cause an immune system reaction which was critical in the care of chemotherapy patients, transplant patients and those with compromised immune systems. Other points included being able to administer the product at the scene of an accident without having to wait for blood-typing tests - a factor that on it's own has already saved nine lives this year, and that the product's shelf life and robust nature meant that country locations with reduced financial support were able to have a blood replacement immediately available. Hospitals are working with the manufactures of Synthblood to make sure that batches of allegedly contaminated product are being replaced, and hospitals are conducting their own screening of the product to test for a number of blood-born diseases. Synthblood as a product has passed Federal and State testing and been cleared as safe for use. The hospital heads were also unanimous in declaring that anyone tampering with the product should be declared guilty of attempted murder and tried as a terrorist.

Torrens Carp Infestation The River Torrens is suffering a higher than usual number of carp. The introduced species competes with native fish for food but is far less palatable to river birds due to the high number of bones in their body. Removing carp is a very difficult task that has been successfully performed on sections of the Murray River in the past, but scientists are less condifent would work in the Torrens. "The process two-fold. There is a chemical agent that affects just the carp to intefere with their breeding cycle, and there are mechanical traps to physically remove them from the river. This worked in the Murray because the carp were competing againt cod, which have a very different pattern of behaviour. The Torrens contains several species of smaller fish that make trapping very difficult. The other problem we face is members of the public deliberately reintroducing the species from private stock."

Synth-Free Blood Drive Flinders Medical Centre is hosting a Synth-free blood drive over the following weeks to encourage those who have not had Synthblood infusions to donate. Synthblood is an excellent product for treating trauma and burns victums, but pure human blood is still needed for medical research. Since the introduction of Synthblood to Australia in October 2015, whole blood donations have dropped to a quarter of previous levels as the public perception is that 'science has cured the need to donate blood'.

Marion ATM Gives Out Free Money Crowds scrambled to get their hands on free cash when a Marion Shopping Centre ATM malfunctioned and began randomly dispensing fifty dollar notes. Noone was hurt in the incident, though one child is suffering an upset stomach after collecting one of the notes and immediately going on a spending spree at Candy Mountain.

Tonsley Set To Expand The suburb of Tonsley will having it's local borders altered to claim parts of a neighbouring suburb. The move is designed to 'help the public forget' about the negative stigma the neighbouring suburb had due to soil toxicity from being so close to the site of the Mitsubishi car plant.

Job Opportunities Local media corporation is seeking editors, journalists and reporters for immediate start. Contact details provided.

Hikers Still Missing The search for two hikers in the Adelaide Hills is being stepped up with the CFS getting involved as there has been no sign of the missing couple for over a week. Authorities are concerned that even if the couple were well-stocked and rationed their supply, they would have run out of water three days ago. "The cool nights help, but in this heat.... people need water".

Bleeding Stones Bring Crowds The Adelaide City Council and Metropolitan Police are working together to ensure public safety as large numbers of people flock to the Linear Park Bike Track to catch a glimpse of Adelaide's 'Bleeding Stones'. While a number of religious observers are claiming Stigmatica, Miracle or Sign of the Apocalypse, the State Government and CSIRO have not released any official statements. A leaked memo alleges that if the CSIRO cannot find the answers, the mystery will be handed to the DSTO to investigate - a comment that sparked outrage amongst adherants to the Bleeding Stone's holy nature. The site has been fenced off and crowd control fencing put in place to ensure the public forms an orderly queue to see the phenomena. As of the time of printing, none of the major denominations represented in Adelaide have made an official statement.

Strength Of Five Pillar Economy Confirmed State officials are pleased to announce that despite concerns over the slow-down in the Chinese economy, the market is showing confidence in the Australian mining industry. Due to local politics the Queensland market experienced the lowest growth as doubts loom over the future of Queensland Nickel. Western Australia's economy continues to grow steadily as a new source of bauxite was discovered and South Australia has seen a sharp upturn in market activity with share trading and share values both increasing.

Sound-Like-Cat Safety Warning Novelty product "Sound-Like-Cat", manufactured by VWD, is under investigation after a Para Hills teenager passed out while using the product. "Sound-Like-Cat", marketed for the 'temporary relief of witchdoctors', is a soft-shelled gell-cap that quickly dissolves in water, releasing a small amount of helium. The product's warning label contains statutory warnings including "keep out of reach of children", "choking hazard" and "excessive use may cause asphyxiation". The incident has sparked similar concerns over VDW's other novelty product, a high-strength and fast-acting diuretic. As the product is based on an analogue for Methazolamide, currently unregulated in Australia, and sold under the product name "Pee-Like-Horse".

Search For Missing Person Police are searching Lindon Park and the surrounding suburbs for Angelique Johnstone, who's hired car was found damaged and abandoned in a corner store carpark. Mrs Johnstone, aged 57, had been in South Australia visiting her neice. Concerns were raised when Mrs Jognstone missed her return flight to Sydney on the 3rd of February and failed to answer her mobile phone. "Gran's pretty good with tech, so we got worried when she didn't call to let us know she was home", says distraught neice Bronwyn. Mrs Johnstone was last seen when she spoke briefly with police at the sight of last week's taxi-petrol-tanker collision on the corner of Tapleys Hill and West Beach Roads.

LGBT Support Group Assault A community centre in the western suburbs was set alight last night by way of a "molotov cocktail". Police reported that the centre had previously reported groups of people hurling abuse at citizens entering the building to attend a support group for the LGBT community. Last night the attacks hit a high point when bricks were hurled through windows, followed by a glass bottle full of flammable liquid. Several people inside the building were admitted to hospital due to burns and smoke inhalation. "We take this very seriously and will be sending a very strong message to those who would seek to harm anyone in the community," said a police spokesperson earlier today.

The Death of Robert Case Police are looking into the death of prominent Adelaide lawyer Robert Doyle who was found shot in his office within the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions. Mr Doyle was the lead prosecutor on several high profile cases including the recently finalised Mandy Boorman case where it was found that Norman Green had kidnapped the young Miss Boorman from North Adelaide and had sexually assaulted and murdered the young woman. Norman Green was sentenced to life imprisonment at Yatala Labour Prison. Police are looking into various suspects, as well as aiding in a review of the office security procedures.