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Enchanter/Warlock/Necromancer/Theurgist/Shaman of the (order) Shaman of the Visus Draconis

Born: 1981

Age: 35



Various nicknames and aliases: Qrow, Hawk, sometimes referred to as a 'Dusty old crow'

Physical description:

Nimbus: A distant 'Cawing' is heard, there is a primal glint in his eyes.


Born: 21/4/1981

Stuff between here and the Awakened time he doesnt talk about much so I'll leave it as such. I do have things that fit here however.

Awakened: 1998

Initial Master: Rowan, An old Thyrsus in Tasmania


In this time Rowan showed the, at the time, Hawk all about what being a Thyrsus is as well as how we are changed by the tower. He told Hawk about how passion is at the center of the Thyrsus, because that natural (Almost primal) instinct is what drives it.

Rowan also taught him about the applications and uses of both Life and Spirit Arcana. they began with Life, and Hawk with the sight of Life could see so many beating hearts and bright lives all around him, he know Life was an Arcana for him. He learnt how to hone his form to be able to increase his strength, he learnt how to cast poisons out of his body (Which was useful for some of his drunken escapades).

Then they reached Spirit, and something went horribly wrong. the first thing he learnt with Spirit was the Spirit Tongue, this of course allowed him to talk to spirits... and where did he go to talk to a spirit? the place his sister died, the spirit he found however was one that he had drawn there...a spirit of guilt and self hatred. You could image how that went, and Hawk was thrown back into his survivors guilt head on.

Rowan seeing his state asked him to come with him to his workshop, Hawk reluctantly agreed. and so they went, and Rowan asked Hawk to pick a piece of wood that called to him the most. So he did, he walk over activating Pulse of the Living World, looked over all the wood and finally... saw some Rowan wood. Despite it all he chuckled and brought it over, and Rowan smiled. "How did I know" he said, before asking Hawk to place it on the Lathe.

"Today" Rowan exclaimed in a haughty tone "We will be making a wand, together. This, when attuned to you, will assist you in the use of your Life Arcana. Now this is a tradition that my master did for me, and his master before him."

And together they made a wonderful Rowan wood wand.

"I want you to promise me you will continue this with your apprentice when you find one of your own. Will you do that for me?" Rowan asked

And Hawk agreed.

Recent events



Quotes by

"Im so sorry kid." - Qrow to himself as he left Tasmania to work for the Guardians all over Australia, referring to his 'Niece'

"How long have you been awakened? Half a year? I have been for 17 years, You don't last as long as I do without being paranoid. So I ask you, leave this be." - Qrow to the Zali and Vanderlag when they were talking about a shield relating to the Abyss.

"Do I need to use the name again?" - Qrow (While drunk) Teasing 24601

Quotes about

"Yeah, meanwhile I survived this long by being lucky." - Quill, grinning to herself while sitting next to them, having just given a lesson on Fate. (In relation to the quote to the Zali )

"DROP THE GUN, RIGHT NOW. I NEED TO TALK TO HIM!!!" - Ruby Rose telling 24601 to lowered the gun away from Qrow

"He wouldn't touch me with a ten-foot pole!" - A very drunk 24601 while hanging out with Tiamat, Claire, Quill and The Zali



He's done some serious shit in his time Tempest makes up new ones everywhere they go

Inspirations and Soundtrack

Time to Say Goodbye By Jeff Williams & Casey Lee Williams (Him awakening and becoming a mage and eventually Guardian) [1]

Lukas Graham - 7 Years (I picked this one mainly for the first part, the 'seven years old' section. Because it talks about how it talks about 'We' and thats him and his sister. the '11 years olds' is him dealing with once she died.) [2]

Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc.[3]

Lin-Manuel Mandel - Aaron Burr, Sir (The three drunkards)[4]

I May Fall by Jeff and Casey Lee Williams (His outlook in a sence) [5]

Bloodborne OST - The First Hunter (While he was trained as a spy, the first one on the scene may need to clean up the mess...and sometimes, the mess is human. Sometimes, he wasn't a spy anymore...but a hunter.[6]

Jessica Jones Netflix OST - Main Theme/Intro (Because he's a PI)[7]

Anna Kendrick - Cups Pitch Perfect's When I'm Gone (His traveling and his fings he'd have) [8]

Set It Off - Wolf In Sheep's Clothing feat. William Beckett (How he doesnt sleep easy with what he's done as a Guardian, and how he blames himself for his sisters death, thinking even worse of himself)[9]

The Offspring - You're Gonna Go Far, Kid (His training in the Guardians) [10]

Twenty One Pilots - Polarise (Mainly for the 'I think I lost my halo' bit)[11]

Vs. Ghetsis - Pokémon Black & White [12]