The Tattered Scroll

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The Tattered Scroll is a members only club in Brisbane. It is situated on at the meeting point of the Moreton, Brisbane City and Summerset Reserve Districts. It's location makes it an easy point of travel for anyone in those Districts. The club itself caters to the occult scene in the city. Membership is by invitation from an existing member only.


The Tattered Scroll is a large rambling building. It's initial location was a 2 story building, as the club has grown it has also purchased the adjoining 3 story building.

The ground floor of the main building serves as the main bar, it is made up of a many nooks and crannies, with books adorning the walls (though this books are all common and of limited value). An old wooden bar serves drinks and takes food orders. Music is piped into the bar, but is controlled to make talking easy but listening difficult.

The first floor is made up of the main library and an number of study rooms, ranging in size from single person able to handle 8. The study rooms are well appointed and functional.

The main library holds a number of books of common through rare provenance in the Occult and is available for anyone to use, but books must never leave the floor. Other rarer books are catalogued but are only available on request.

The basement is currently undergoing a refurbishment.

The new building (well relatively speaking that is, is about 1/3 of the ground area. The ground floor holds the kitchen and storerooms (these storerooms extend into the basement), the first floor is rumoured to be the private library of the owner and is not available to the public. The second (top) floor is the residence of the owner.


The Tattered Scroll was opened in 1995 by Dyllan Wexler, a renowned Occult scholar and researcher that calls Brisbane home. He ran the club to support his further study and interaction with the different occult groups. Groups that even had arguments and disagreements in the public eye. Through his influence the club became an acknowledged neutral zone.

In 2002 the club brought the building next door and expanded.

In 2007 Dyllan's father passed away in London and Dyllan returned to England to tidy up his fathers affairs.

The manager did not have Dyllan's skills with the different Occult groups in the city and they started drifting away. In 2012 he closed the library and refocused the club as a cafe, redoing the kitchen's and bar. The other parts of the business became a bit run down.


In 2017 Dyalln Wexler has returned to the city, as he says 'To retire'. The cafe has been closed and new staff are being hired. The place is getting a complete refurbishment. With Dyllan's return it is expected that the Tattered Scroll will regain its reputation as a neutral place for all to meet and study.


The Tattered Scroll is an acknowledged Elysium in the City of Brisbane. This part was closed when Yr Ysgolhaig returned to England, but with his return it underwent refurbishment and is again open.

The rules for admittance are as follows.

  1. You may not initiate violence against any other person in the Elysium.
  2. You may not use supernatural powers on any other person in the Elysium with out their prior permission.
  3. You may not remove any of the libraries books from the Elysium (copies can be made for a fee).